Miscellaneous Matches played by Alexander McNeile (98)

Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database

29th September 1858 United Ireland Eleven matches 1858  Belfast v United Ireland Eleven Botanical Gardens, Belfast misc69122
12th May 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v G Richards' XI Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166061
29th May 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Household Brigade Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166063
31st May 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v University College, Oxford Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166064
5th June 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v JCR Reade's Oxford XI Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166066
16th June 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95274
23rd June 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Harlequins Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95278
30th June 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Marylebone Cricket Club Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95282
3rd July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Perambulators Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166069
7th July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc106542
10th July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Harrow Town Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166070
13th July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Eton College v Harrow School Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc84462
28th July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  Harrow School v Old Harrovians Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95295
6th September 1860 All England Eleven matches 1860  North v All England Eleven North of Ireland Cricket Club Ground, Ormeau Park, Belfast misc69188
26th June 1862 Other matches in England 1862  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95357
26th July 1862 Other matches in England 1862  Harrow School v Old Harrovians Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95374
1863 United Ireland Eleven matches 1863  North of Ireland Cricket Club v United Ireland Eleven North of Ireland Cricket Club Ground, Ormeau Park, Belfast misc59247
16th June 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95399
17th June 1863 University Match 1863  Surrey v Cambridge University Kennington Oval, Kennington misc95401
30th June 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Harrow School v Perambulators Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166111
3rd July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Rickmansworth v Quidnuncs Clifford's Park, Rickmansworth misc168388
7th July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Harrow School v Old Harrovians Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95415
29th July 1863 Other matches in Ireland 1863  North v South not known misc59238
31st July 1863 Other matches in Ireland 1863  North of Ireland Cricket Club v Na Shuler Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc59246
17th June 1865 Other matches in England 1865  Harrow School v Marylebone Cricket Club Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95503
1st July 1865 Other matches in England 1865  Harrow School v Old Harrovian Captains Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc166142
4th July 1865 Other matches in England 1865  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95515
8th July 1865 Other matches in England 1865  Eton College v Quidnuncs Agar's Plough, Eton College misc95519
24th August 1865 Other matches in Ireland 1865  Carlow v I Zingari H Bruen's Ground, Tinney Park misc78886
31st August 1865 Other matches in Ireland 1865  North v I Zingari North of Ireland Cricket Club Ground, Ormeau Park, Belfast misc78888
2nd June 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Harrow School v Marylebone Cricket Club Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95556
3rd July 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95577
5th July 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Eton College v Quidnuncs Agar's Plough, Eton College misc95579
17th September 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Gentlemen of Yorkshire v I Zingari Wigginton Road, York misc95615
20th May 1867 Ireland in England 1867  Marylebone Cricket Club v Ireland Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc7598
30th May 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Household Brigade v Quidnuncs Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc135937
1st June 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Bullingdon v I Zingari Bullingdon Green, Oxford misc167864
15th June 1867 Other matches in England 1867  The Cricket Company v I Zingari Upton Park misc167866
18th June 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Harrow School v Quidnuncs Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc106642
29th June 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95632
4th July 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Eton College v I Zingari Agar's Plough, Eton College misc95636
6th July 1867 Other matches in England 1867  Harrow School v Old Harrovians Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95638
18th September 1867 Other matches in Ireland 1867  Cork County v I Zingari Mardyke, Cork misc57879
4th June 1868 Ireland in England 1868  Marylebone Cricket Club v Ireland Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc7600
19th June 1868 Other matches in England 1868  The Cricket Company v I Zingari Upton Park misc167874
15th July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  Charterhouse School v I Zingari Charterhouse School, Godalming misc106668
23rd July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  Household Brigade v I Zingari Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc135947
24th August 1868 Other matches in Ireland 1868  Lord Fitzwilliam's XI v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc57880
26th August 1868 Other matches in Ireland 1868  Phoenix v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc83157
31st August 1868 Other matches in Ireland 1868  Louth v I Zingari Colonel McClintock's Ground, Drumcar misc83158
3rd September 1868 Other matches in Ireland 1868  Viscount Massereene's Team v I Zingari Viscount Massereene's Ground, Antrim Castle misc83202
20th May 1869 Na Shuler in England 1869  Marylebone Cricket Club v Na Shuler Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc135953
2nd June 1869 Other matches in England 1869  The Cricket Company v I Zingari Upton Park misc167881
3rd June 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Harrow School v Marylebone Cricket Club Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95732
16th June 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Woolwich Cadets v I Zingari Barrack Field, Woolwich misc167884
26th June 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95741
3rd July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Harrow School v Old Harrovians Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95747
7th July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingari West Kent Cricket Club Ground, Chislehurst misc95750
7th September 1869 Other matches in Ireland 1869  Wicklow, Wexford and Carlow v I Zingari Earl Fitzwilliam's Ground, Coolattin Park misc83772
10th September 1869 Other matches in Ireland 1869  Curragh Camp v I Zingari Curragh Camp, The Curragh misc83773
12th September 1869 Other matches in Ireland 1869  Phoenix v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc84190
16th September 1869 Other matches in Ireland 1869  Ireland v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc7605
14th July 1870 North of Ireland in England 1870  Marylebone Cricket Club v North Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood misc135968
22nd May 1871 United South of England Eleven matches 1871  North v United South of England Eleven Ormeau, Belfast misc69653
30th June 1871 Other matches in England 1871  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingari West Kent Cricket Club Ground, Chislehurst misc95839
31st July 1871 Marylebone Cricket Club in Ireland 1871  Ireland v Marylebone Cricket Club College Park, Dublin misc7606
2nd August 1871 Other matches in Ireland 1871  Gentlemen of the South of Ireland v Gentlemen of the North of Ireland College Park, Dublin misc166264
27th June 1872 Other matches in England 1872  Cheltenham College v I Zingari Prince's Cricket Ground, Chelsea misc165840
29th June 1872 Other matches in England 1872  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95890
4th July 1872 Other matches in England 1872  10th Hussars v I Zingari Garrison A Cricket Ground, Colchester misc167920
19th August 1872 Other matches in Ireland 1872  Vice Regal Lodge v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166265
21st August 1872 Other matches in Ireland 1872  Phoenix v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166266
23rd August 1872 Other matches in Ireland 1872  Curragh Camp v I Zingari Curragh Camp, The Curragh misc166267
26th August 1872 Other matches in Ireland 1872  Cork v I Zingari Mardyke, Cork misc166268
18th August 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  North v I Zingari Ormeau, Belfast misc166269
22nd August 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  Coolattin v I Zingari Earl Fitzwilliam's Ground, Coolattin Park misc166270
28th August 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  Cork v I Zingari Mardyke, Cork misc166271
2nd September 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  Vice Regal Lodge v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166272
4th September 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  Ireland v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc7607
8th September 1873 Other matches in Ireland 1873  Curragh Camp v I Zingari Curragh Camp, The Curragh misc166273
24th June 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Penn's XI v I Zingari Leeds Park misc167944
27th June 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc95992
7th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Eton College v I Zingari Agar's Plough, Eton College misc95998
15th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Richmond v I Zingari Old Deer Park, Richmond misc167945
28th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Liverpool v I Zingari Croxteth Hall, Liverpool misc106822
30th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Gentlemen of Lancashire v I Zingari Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park misc59337
20th August 1874 Other matches in Ireland 1874  Carlow v I Zingari H Bruen's Ground, Tinney Park misc166275
26th August 1874 Other matches in Ireland 1874  Ireland v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc7608
28th August 1874 Other matches in Ireland 1874  Vice Regal Lodge v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166276
31st August 1874 Other matches in Ireland 1874  Phoenix v I Zingari Phoenix Cricket Club Ground, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166277
26th June 1875 Other matches in England 1875  Harrow School v I Zingari Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill misc96043
7th July 1875 Other matches in England 1875  Penn's XI v I Zingari The Cedars, Lee misc167963
19th August 1875 Other matches in Ireland 1875  North v I Zingari Ormeau, Belfast misc166278
25th August 1875 Other matches in Ireland 1875  Vice Regal Lodge v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166279
27th August 1875 Other matches in Ireland 1875  Military v I Zingari Vice Regal Grounds, Phoenix Park, Dublin misc166280
2nd September 1875 Other matches in Ireland 1875  Cork v I Zingari Mardyke, Cork misc166281
9th September 1875 Other matches in England 1875  Gentlemen of Warwickshire v I Zingari Charles Mordaunt's Ground, Walton Hall misc96070
15th August 1876 Other matches in Ireland 1876  Cork v I Zingari Mardyke, Cork misc166283



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