Fielding in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1999 (Ordered by Catches)

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RJ Turner (Sm)59110
RC Russell (Gs)5729
SM Dutton (Cum)36 6
CMW Read (Nt)26 6
MCJ Ball (Gs)55 5
D Banks (HamCB)3516
AK Hele (Dev)2516
RH Scholte (Neth)4516
AN Aymes (Ham)24 4
RRAF Bradley (Neth)44 4
I Cockbain (Ches)24 4
A Flintoff (La)34 4
AD Griffin (Hert)3426
PDB Hoare (Bed)24 4
KC Jackson (Neth)44 4
GS Joyce (KentCB)34 4
SP Pope (GsCB)14 4
SJ Rhodes (Wo)24 4
D Ripley (Nr)34 4
D Sherrington (DurCB)3415
AJ Stewart (Sy)4437
GP Thorpe (Sy)44 4
PD Atkins (Buck)23 3
JD Bean (Ches)23 3
M Burns (Sm)53 3
MR Featherstone (KentCB)33 3
WK Hegg (La)3314
BC Hollioake (Sy)43 3
PCL Holloway (Sm)53 3
SHG Jenkins (Wales)23 3
ST Knox (Cum)33 3
JH Langworth (Wales)33 3
W Larkins (Bed)33 3
DR Lockhart (Sco)33 3
BE McNamara (MxCB)13 3
MP Maynard (Gm)33 3
MJ O'Sullivan (Berk)13 3
HV Patel (Here)23 3
SS Patel (Berk)23 3
LR Prittipaul (HamCB)33 3
AS Rollins (Dy)23 3
SJ Adshead (Here)2224
Aftab Ahmed (Den)12 2
MS Alexander (KentCB)32 2
MW Alleyne (Gs)52 2
GF Archer (Nt)22 2
MR Bainbridge (SyCB)22 2
AJ Bethel (YorCB)22 2
RJ Blakey (Yor)42 2
AD Brown (Sy)42 2
CK Bullen (SyCB)22 2
ND Burns (Buck)22 2
D Byas (Yor)42 2
AR Caddick (Sm)52 2
AJ Collins (Wilt)22 2
JP Crawley (La)32 2
M Davies (Wales)22 2
RL Eagleson (Ire)32 2
NH Fairbrother (La)32 2
Q Ferreira (SyCB)22 2
ID Fisher (Yor)32 2
T Frost (Wk)12 2
JER Gallian (Nt)22 2
CM Gazzard (Corn)12 2
PS George (Wales)32 2
JM Golding (KentCB)32 2
A Habib (Le)22 2
CJ Hall (Ches)22 2
IJ Harvey (Gs)52 2
S Humphries (Sx)2213
PM James (SyCB)22 2
PW Jarvis (Sm)52 2
AJ Jones (Wales)32 2
PS Jones (Sm)42 2
WS Kendall (Ham)22 2
JID Kerr (Sm)52 2
MG Lane (Berk)22 2
JS Laney (Ham)22 2
SG Law (Es)12 2
RP Lefebvre (Neth)42 2
GD Lloyd (La)32 2
KJ Locke (Buck)22 2
DL Maddy (Le)22 2
SA Marsh (Kent)3213
AA Metcalfe (Cum)32 2
MG Miller (Dor)1213
RTP Miller (HamCB)32 2
Mohammad Ali (Wales)12 2
PG Newman (Norf)12 2
IC Parkin (DyCB)12 2
KA Parsons (Sm)52 2
AD Patterson (Ire)3213
MJR Rindel (Buck)22 2
DJG Sales (Nr)32 2
G Shaw (DurCB)32 2
MA Sheikh (Wk)12 2
BF Smith (Le)22 2
JN Snape (Gs)52 2
SA Sylvester (Hert)32 2
A Symonds (Kent)32 2
MP Vaughan (Yor)42 2
RH Wade (Wilt)22 2
RJ Warren (Nr)32 2
MGN Windows (Gs)52 2
CJ Adams (Sx)21 1
G Angus (Nthum)11 1
RL Ashton (NrCB)11 1
ID Austin (La)31 1
JK Barrow (Berk)21 1
JJ Bates (Sx)11 1
RJ Bates (Wilt)21 1
KM Bell (Wales)31 1
GS Blewett (Yor)31 1
IA Bond (Dev)21 1
JDP Bowden (KentCB)21 1
MN Bowen (Nt)11 1
PD Bowler (Sm)51 1
MKL Boyden (Norf)11 1
S Bramhall (Ches)2123
GD Bridge (DurCB)31 1
MT Brimson (Le)21 1
JE Brinkley (Sco)11 1
G Brown (SmCB)11 1
PRJ Bryson (Ches)21 1
CRJ Budd (GsCB)11 1
S Burrow (Hert)31 1
AB Byram (Shrop)11 1
JR Carruthers (YorCB)21 1
TJ Carter (SyCB)11 1
MJ Cawdron (Gs)51 1
BA Chambers (SxCB)11 1
G Chapple (La)21 1
DR Clarke (Bed)31 1
PD Collingwood (Dur)11 1
MS Compton (HamCB)31 1
KE Cooper (Here)21 1
WR Coppin (Norf)11 1
ST Crawley (Sco)11 1
RJ Cunliffe (Gs)51 1
J Davies (Wales)21 1
RKJ Dawson (Dev)21 1
PJ Deakin (Dor)11 1
KJ Dean (Dy)11 1
TBM de Leede (Neth)41 1
MJ Di Venuto (Sx)21 1
G Dros (Ire)31 1
KP Dutch (Mx)11 1
MD Dwyer (Ire)31 1
ET Elliot-Square (Dor)11 1
CJ Ellison (Corn)11 1
MR Evans (Hert)21 1
RE Falkner (NrCB)1123
JM Fielding (Cum)31 1
MV Fleming (Kent)21 1
NA Folland (Dev)21 1
N Fox (Norf)11 1
PJ Franks (Nt)21 1
ARC Fraser (Mx)11 1
JAW Fry (SyCB)21 1
ESH Giddins (Wk)21 1
N Gilbert (Hert)31 1
MJ Glasson (Wilt)21 1
JD Glendenen (Cum)31 1
S Gourlay (Sco)31 1
DA Graham (Here)21 1
JD Gray (Staff)11 1
AJ Hall (DurCB)31 1
HM Hall (Berk)21 1
GM Hamilton (Yor)31 1
SJ Harmison (Dur)11 1
CA Haupt (Ox)11 1
IA Hawtin (Ox)11 1
ML Hayden (Nr)31 1
GR Haynes (Wo)21 1
AJ Hedley (DurCB)31 1
DL Hemp (Wk)21 1
CJ Hewison (DurCB)21 1
JP Hewitt (Mx)11 1
AJE Hibbert (EsCB)11 1
SG Hinks (GsCB)11 1
AJ Hollioake (Sy)41 1
RWJ Howitt (Lin)11 1
RD Hudson (Hunt)11 1
ND Hughes (Hert)11 1
RD Hughes (Here)21 1
MI Humphries (Staff)11 1
N Hussain (Es)11 1
DL Iniff (NrCB)11 1
KJ Innes (Nr)31 1
H Iqbal (KentCB)11 1
K Jahangir (Hert)31 1
MH James (Hert)31 1
RM Jervis (Staff)11 1
AN Johnson (Shrop)11 1
JBR Jones (Shrop)11 1
EC Joyce (Ire)31 1
JH Kallis (Gm)11 1
DA Kenway (Ham)21 1
RWT Key (Kent)21 1
JF Kloppenburg (Neth)41 1
NV Knight (Wk)21 1
CS Knightley (Ox)11 1
D Kramer (Neth)21 1
DA Leatherdale (Wo)21 1
CP Lello (Corn)11 1
J Lewis (Gs)11 1
JM Lewis (Cum)31 1
LRJ List (Ox)11 1
NJ Llong (Kent)31 1
MJ McCague (Kent)21 1
RD McGerrigle (Ire)31 1
A McGrath (Yor)41 1
AE McKenna (YorCB)21 1
GI Maiden (Sco)21 1
D Manning (WoCB)11 1
C Marples (DyCB)11 1
RJ Maru (HamCB)31 1
AD Mascarenhas (Ham)21 1
KD Masters (KentCB)31 1
DJM Mercer (Bed)31 1
SO Moore (DyCB)11 1
TA Munton (Wk)21 1
SD Myles (Berk)11 1
A Mynett (YorCB)21 1
DC Nash (Mx)11 1
M Newell (SxCB)11 1
PA Nixon (Le)21 1
J Ormond (Le)11 1
RJ Pack (NrCB)11 1
OT Parkin (Gm)21 1
KJ Parsons (SmCB)11 1
RA Parsons (Sco)31 1
DJ Pearson (Cum)31 1
AL Penberthy (Nr)31 1
DB Pennett (Cum)31 1
TL Penney (Wk)21 1
AHD Perry (HamCB)31 1
VJ Pike (Dor)11 1
KJ Piper (Wk)11 1
GA Pollock (LeCB)11 1
L Potter (Staff)11 1
NJ Pullen (LeCB)11 1
BFS Purchase (Corn)11 1
MJ Rawnsley (Wo)21 1
CJ Richards (Sco)31 1
DDJ Robinson (Es)11 1
JM Robinson (WoCB)11 1
PM Roebuck (Dev)21 1
CN Rowlands (Hunt)11 1
N Sajjad (WkCB)11 1
GD Sandford (Bed)3145
PR Sawyer (Buck)11 1
MA Scott (HamCB)31 1
LA Sears (HamCB)31 1
SA Seymour (Berk)21 1
IH Shah (Nthum)11 1
OA Shah (Mx)11 1
KP Sheeraz (Shrop)11 1
RJ Sidebottom (Yor)41 1
CEW Silverwood (Yor)21 1
B Singh (Den)11 1
D Smit (DyCB)11 1
B Smith (SxCB)11 1
CJO Smith (Sco)31 1
G Smith (DurCB)31 1
JD Smith (LeCB)11 1
RA Smith (Ham)21 1
SG Smyth (Ire)31 1
NJ Speak (Dur)11 1
EJ Stanford (KentCB)21 1
SF Stanway (Buck)21 1
NA Statham (Neth)21 1
PM Such (Es)11 1
AJ Swann (Nr)21 1
GP Swann (Nr)31 1
GR Swinney (SmCB)11 1
CG Taylor (GsCB)11 1
GM Thomas (Corn)11 1
MW Thomas (Norf)11 1
GR Thompson (NrCB)11 1
PC Trend (Lin)11 1
JO Troughton (WkCB)11 1
SD Udal (Ham)21 1
KJJ van Noortwijk (Neth)21 1
DM Ward (Hert)31 1
SL Watkin (Gm)31 1
LC Weekes (YorCB)11 1
GG Whitbread (Hunt)11 1
C White (Yor)41 1
RJ Williams (Ox)11 1
SL Williams (KentCB)31 1
WO Davies (Shrop)1022
I Dawood (Gm)3011
SP Griffiths (Dy)2011
PJ Nicholson (Nthum)1011
SM Perrin (Wilt)2011



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