Bowling in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1998 (Ordered by Player)

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Ajaz Akhtar (Cam)4812711-2727.00 0048.00 3.37
MW Alleyne (Gs)14429732-6232.33 0048.00 4.04
MJD Allingham (Sco)6604311-4343.00 0066.00 3.90
Asim Butt (Sco)13256111-1861.00 00132.00 2.77
Asim Khan (Neth)241240     6.00
ID Austin (La)33619111103-1411.10 0033.60 1.98
GL Bailey (Norf)300250     5.00
MCJ Ball (Gs)10818911-4689.00 00108.00 4.94
KJ Barnett (Dy)174211532-5838.33 0058.00 3.96
AJL Barr (Wales)7205011-5050.00 0072.00 4.16
SR Barwick (Wales)7204522-4522.50 0036.00 3.75
RT Bates (Nt)209214742-3236.75 0052.25 4.22
CJ Batt (Mx)4803711-3737.00 0048.00 4.62
P Beech (Cum)360430     7.16
JE Benjamin (Sy)12628811-1988.00 00126.00 4.19
MM Betts (Dur)14438822-4544.00 0072.00 3.66
MG Bevan (Sx)6304011-4040.00 0063.00 3.80
MP Bicknell (Sy)180111353-2422.60 0036.00 3.76
IE Bishop (Dev)420270     3.85
ID Blackwell (Dy)360330     5.50
TF Bloomfield (Mx)10228011-3580.00 00102.00 4.70
DJP Boden (Staff)350450     7.71
CW Boroughs (Here)6604011-4040.00 0066.00 3.63
L Bouter (Neth)280330     7.07
JNB Bovill (Buck)7206433-6421.33 0024.00 5.33
PJ Bradshaw (Norf)5441911-1919.00 0054.00 2.11
MT Brimson (Le)18038711-2987.00 00180.00 2.90
DR Brown (Wk)301511-55.00 0030.00 1.00
AR Caddick (Sm)13267854-6315.60 1026.40 3.54
ME Cassar (Dy)360320     5.33
G Chapple (La)216315385-5719.12 0127.00 4.25
VP Clarke (Dy)262312932-2943.00 0087.33 2.95
AP Cole (Buck)4805722-5728.50 0024.00 7.12
PD Collingwood (Dur)9013611-2536.00 0090.00 2.40
CA Connor (Ham)2108101114-139.18 1019.09 2.88
G Cooke (Ire)720560     4.66
KE Cooper (Here)700530     4.54
DG Cork (Dy)3501317794-4619.66 1038.88 3.03
DA Cosker (Gm)320200     3.75
AC Cottam (Dev)2020     6.00
AP Cowan (Es)8526042-1615.00 0021.25 4.23
RDB Croft (Gm)14439633-6232.00 0048.00 4.00
KM Curran (Nr)300270     5.40
CE Dagnall (Cum)5403711-3737.00 0054.00 4.11
A Dale (Gm)301230     4.60
RN Dalton (Bed)6014211-4242.00 0060.00 4.20
J Davies (Wales)7225311-5353.00 0072.00 4.41
M Davies (Wales)7205611-5656.00 0072.00 4.66
JO Davy (Ire)481530     6.62
KJ Dean (Dy)3068201103-1320.10 0030.60 3.94
PAJ DeFreitas (Dy)262517631-4358.66 0087.33 4.03
BTP Donelan (Cam)420370     5.28
K Donohue (Dev)300230     4.60
MP Dowman (Nt)10836321-2331.50 0054.00 3.50
KP Dutch (Mx)204013542-3033.75 0051.00 3.97
RL Eagleson (Ire)721530     4.41
MA Ealham (Kent)12615621-2228.00 0063.00 2.66
KP Evans (Nt)186311042-5127.50 0046.50 3.54
IJ Fantham (Bed)720820     6.83
LD Ferreira (Dor)180260     8.66
JM Fielding (Cum)722400     3.33
MV Fleming (Kent)10217621-1638.00 0051.00 4.47
A Flintoff (La)9024221-421.00 0045.00 2.80
GW Flower (Ches)6100     0.00
SM Forshaw (Dor)5425922-5929.50 0027.00 6.55
PJ Franks (Nt)150111133-4037.00 0050.00 4.44
AGJ Fraser (Mx)7223911-3939.00 0072.00 3.25
ARC Fraser (Mx)20468942-3922.25 0051.00 2.61
ESH Giddins (Wk)11454242-1910.50 0028.50 2.21
AF Giles (Wk)13426664-2911.00 1022.33 2.95
PG Gillespie (Ire)3002722-2713.50 0015.00 5.40
SC Goldsmith (Norf)7224211-4242.00 0072.00 3.50
D Gough (Yor)7215044-5012.50 1018.00 4.16
RJ Green (La)6623511-3535.00 0066.00 3.18
GM Hamilton (Yor)8424133-2713.66 0028.00 2.92
SW Hampson (Ches)421320     4.57
THC Hancock (Gs)6004733-3015.66 0020.00 4.70
RJ Harding (Here)240270     6.75
JC Harrison (Buck)720440     3.66
PJ Hartley (Ham)15418652-1817.20 0030.80 3.35
RP Harvey (Staff)6040     4.00
GR Haynes (Wo)482100     1.25
DW Headley (Kent)14457132-4823.66 0048.00 2.95
D Heasley (Ire)6605511-5555.00 0066.00 5.00
DL Hemp (Wk)4814311-4043.00 0048.00 5.37
JP Hewitt (Mx)480310     3.87
AJ Hollioake (Sy)1020580     3.41
BC Hollioake (Sy)15609952-2819.80 0031.20 3.80
CL Hooper (Kent)12618921-2944.50 0063.00 4.23
SD Horsfall (Staff)3612811-2828.00 0036.00 4.66
JG Hughes (Bed)6006022-6030.00 0030.00 6.00
PJ Humphries (Here)7216311-6363.00 0072.00 5.25
PM Hutchison (Yor)8442433-188.00 0028.00 1.71
RK Illingworth (Wo)720480     4.00
MC Ilott (Es)12574332-2314.33 0041.66 2.06
RC Irani (Es)13265474-417.71 1018.85 2.45
KD James (Ham)11446211-2462.00 00114.00 3.26
PW Jarvis (Sx)6005022-5025.00 0030.00 5.00
P Johnson (Nt)6040     4.00
RL Johnson (Mx)180511942-2529.75 0045.00 3.96
PS Jones (Sm)4813622-3618.00 0024.00 4.50
N Killeen (Dur)144210932-4636.33 0048.00 4.54
SAJ Kippax (Cum)540340     3.77
RJ Kirtley (Sx)5413822-3819.00 0027.00 4.22
SR Lampitt (Wo)7214422-4422.00 0036.00 3.66
JL Langer (Mx)3004511-4545.00 0030.00 9.00
JPT Latham (Cam)240160     4.00
DR Law (Es)180150     5.00
SG Law (Es)181120     4.00
DA Leatherdale (Wo)300290     5.80
RP Lefebvre (Neth)240220     5.50
DS Lehmann (Yor)4221411-1414.00 0042.00 2.00
CC Lewis (Le)15446385-197.87 0119.25 2.45
J Lewis (Gs)11428511-4285.00 00114.00 4.47
JD Lewry (Sx)7204244-4210.50 1018.00 3.50
MJ McCague (Kent)13247311-2873.00 00132.00 3.31
WK McCallan (Ire)7214522-4522.50 0036.00 3.75
SCG MacGill (Dev)4812911-2929.00 0048.00 3.62
NAM McLean (Ham)214214162-2323.50 0035.66 3.95
DL Maddy (Le)1201811-1818.00 0012.00 9.00
DE Malcolm (Nr)7205522-5527.50 0036.00 4.58
PJ Martin (La)3297192155-3012.80 1121.93 3.50
AD Mascarenhas (Ham)14408643-2821.50 0036.00 3.58
CR Miller (Neth)300350     7.00
N Mohammed (Cam)200230     6.90
TM Moody (Wo)7235522-5527.50 0036.00 4.58
AD Mullally (Le)2889125115-1811.36 0126.18 2.60
TA Munton (Wk)7217911-7979.00 0072.00 6.58
AJ Murphy (Ches)421220     3.14
Mushtaq Ahmed (Sm)14464975-267.00 0120.57 2.04
PG Newman (Norf)482270     3.37
PJ Newport (Wo)6614611-4646.00 0066.00 4.18
J Ormond (Le)6015811-5858.00 0060.00 5.80
DP Ostler (Wk)6060     6.00
OT Parkin (Gm)1141740     3.89
KA Parsons (Sm)541350     3.88
AL Penberthy (Nr)481330     4.12
DB Pennett (Cum)7254422-4422.00 0036.00 3.66
BJ Phillips (Kent)9036733-1422.33 0030.00 4.46
NC Phillips (Dur)13845922-1629.50 0069.00 2.56
ARK Pierson (Sm)660320     2.90
VJ Pike (Dor)723360     3.00
L Potter (Staff)5422022-2010.00 0027.00 2.22
RA Pyman (Dor)7208111-8181.00 0072.00 6.75
NV Radford (Here)4202411-2424.00 0042.00 3.42
DF Ralfs (Cam)5422611-2626.00 0054.00 2.88
MR Ramprakash (Mx)4212422-2412.00 0021.00 3.42
A Richardson (Staff)7224811-4848.00 0072.00 4.00
MJR Rindel (Buck)240190     4.75
AR Roberts (Bed)4805511-5555.00 0048.00 6.87
GM Roberts (Dy)13274111-3041.00 00132.00 1.86
MA Robinson (Sx)6023611-3636.00 0060.00 3.60
CJ Rogers (Norf)300270     5.40
FA Rose (Nr)7214333-4314.33 0024.00 3.58
GD Rose (Sm)11966522-532.50 0059.50 3.27
MJ Saggers (Dur)5814222-4221.00 0029.00 4.34
IDK Salisbury (Sy)10125832-2819.33 0033.66 3.44
Saqlain Mushtaq (Sy)13835732-2419.00 0046.00 2.47
RJ Scott (Dor)7208911-8989.00 0072.00 7.41
TJA Scriven (Buck)7206133-6120.33 0024.00 5.08
JH Shackleton (Dor)7261811-1818.00 0072.00 1.50
N Shahid (Sy)5413033-3010.00 0018.00 3.33
MA Sharp (Cum)7236311-6363.00 0072.00 5.25
MA Sheikh (Wk)662380     3.45
ZA Sher (Bed)6607722-7738.50 0033.00 7.00
KLP Sheridan (Sco)4822411-2424.00 0048.00 3.00
RJ Sidebottom (Yor)2411533-155.00 008.00 3.75
CEW Silverwood (Yor)11123732-2312.33 0037.00 2.00
PV Simmons (Le)156211711-35117.00 00156.00 4.50
GC Small (Wk)10325911-4059.00 00103.00 3.43
AM Smith (Gs)13827154-4614.20 1027.60 3.08
NMK Smith (Wk)8407122-6035.50 0042.00 5.07
TS Smith (Cam)361200     3.33
JN Snape (Nr)6614711-4747.00 0066.00 4.27
IM Stanger (Sco)8606211-2662.00 0086.00 4.32
PD Steindl (Sco)9025311-3653.00 0090.00 3.53
RD Stemp (Yor)601370     3.70
JP Stephenson (Ham)16829853-2519.60 0033.60 3.50
SA Stoneman (Ches)360270     4.50
PA Strang (Nt)210412842-3332.00 0052.50 3.65
PM Such (Es)9042222-1011.00 0045.00 1.46
ME Sullivan (Buck)120240     12.00
JP Taylor (Nr)7225422-5427.00 0036.00 4.50
AW Thomas (Buck)601430     4.30
DR Thomas (Norf)240170     4.25
MW Thomas (Norf)671400     3.58
SD Thomas (Gm)12327242-3118.00 0030.75 3.51
CM Tolley (Nt)18669242-1623.00 0046.50 2.96
AD Towse (Wales)7225011-5050.00 0072.00 4.16
ME Trescothick (Sm)9016422-4932.00 0045.00 4.26
AJ Tudor (Sy)6313944-399.75 1015.75 3.71
SD Udal (Ham)12937664-2012.66 1021.50 3.53
MP Vaughan (Yor)362280     4.66
CA Walsh (Gs)13835732-3219.00 0046.00 2.47
Waqar Younis (Gm)7224644-4611.50 1018.00 3.83
Wasim Akram (La)190213263-5022.00 0031.66 4.16
SL Watkin (Gm)14446943-2517.25 0036.00 2.87
M Watkinson (La)14417411-3574.00 00144.00 3.08
PN Weekes (Mx)150011221-3756.00 0075.00 4.48
G Welch (Wk)17475944-3114.75 1043.50 2.03
VJ Wells (Le)222212852-1825.60 0044.40 3.45
PR Whitaker (Ham)6070     7.00
MR White (Bed)5423511-3535.00 0054.00 3.88
D Williamson (Le)216514385-3717.87 0127.00 3.97
JG Williamson (Sco)5404722-4723.50 0027.00 5.22
DR Womble (Staff)240390     9.75
J Wood (Dur)13818422-4042.00 0069.00 3.65
CM Wright (Sco)12074955-239.80 0124.00 2.45
SC Wundke (Ches)230150     3.91
G Yates (La)258413711-19137.00 00258.00 3.18



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