Bowling in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1993 (Ordered by Player)

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JA Afford (Nt)13845411-1554.00 00138.00 2.34
MW Alleyne (Gs)7805743-4814.25 0019.50 4.38
AW Allin (Dev)7233311-3333.00 0072.00 2.75
PJW Allott (Staff)7224511-4545.00 0072.00 3.75
CEL Ambrose (Nr)216710642-4726.50 0054.00 2.94
SJW Andrew (Es)5423721-1218.50 0027.00 4.11
KA Arnold (Ox)7224611-4646.00 0072.00 3.83
CWJ Athey (Sx)420250     3.57
ID Austin (La)713360     3.04
JR Ayling (Ham)7215122-5125.50 0036.00 4.25
AM Babington (Gs)6022911-2929.00 0060.00 2.90
RJ Bailey (Nr)9617622-4938.00 0048.00 4.75
P Bainbridge (Dur)11429222-6546.00 0057.00 4.84
SN Barnes (Wilt)720930     7.75
AA Barnett (La)7222922-2914.50 0036.00 2.41
KJ Barnett (Dy)480300     3.75
TJ Barry (Buck)5404322-4321.50 0027.00 4.77
SR Barwick (Gm)248315932-3953.00 0082.66 3.84
JD Batty (Yor)902800     5.33
JE Benjamin (Sy)13228011-2480.00 00132.00 3.63
KCG Benjamin (Wo)9644922-3824.50 0048.00 3.06
WKM Benjamin (Le)8435811-2558.00 0084.00 4.14
JDR Benson (Le)1201333-134.33 004.00 6.50
PJ Berry (Dur)4203522-3517.50 0021.00 5.00
IR Beven (Sco)7214711-4747.00 0072.00 3.91
MP Bicknell (Sy)19288784-3510.87 1024.00 2.71
GR Black (Buck)301170     3.40
PM Blakeley (Shrop)480690     8.62
J Boiling (Sy)21637832-2926.00 0072.00 2.16
CD Booden (Buck)482300     3.75
TJ Bostock (Ches)240170     4.25
IT Botham (Dur)721490     4.08
RA Bunting (Norf)7214033-4013.33 0024.00 3.33
S Burrow (Buck)7216922-6934.50 0036.00 5.75
MA Butcher (Sy)7225722-5728.50 0036.00 4.75
AB Byram (Shrop)7214122-4120.50 0036.00 3.41
AR Caddick (Sm)233712685-3015.75 0129.12 3.24
CL Cairns (Nt)12265764-189.50 1020.33 2.80
CN Cavener (Hert)7205611-5656.00 0072.00 4.66
AP Cole (Norf)7217111-7171.00 0072.00 5.91
CA Connor (Ham)14338043-2120.00 0035.75 3.35
NGB Cook (Nr)186212933-5343.00 0062.00 4.16
KE Cooper (Gs)7233511-3535.00 0072.00 2.91
DG Cork (Dy)12037354-1814.60 1024.00 3.65
AC Cottam (Dev)7204511-4545.00 0072.00 3.75
NG Cowans (Mx)6604711-4747.00 0066.00 4.27
MA Crawley (Nt)6040     4.00
ST Crawley (Ches)5412822-2814.00 0027.00 3.11
RDB Croft (Gm)228314231-1647.33 0076.00 3.73
AC Cummins (Dur)14448111-3881.00 00144.00 3.37
KM Curran (Nr)210613132-3943.66 0070.00 3.74
JD Curry (Ire)3602811-2828.00 0036.00 4.66
IJ Curtis (Ox)481400     5.00
A Dale (Gm)240517073-5424.28 0034.28 4.25
PAJ DeFreitas (La)6633111-3131.00 0066.00 2.81
J Derrick (Wales)7213511-3535.00 0072.00 2.91
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)6040     4.00
AA Donald (Wk)180612064-6920.00 1030.00 4.00
K Donohue (Dev)600570     5.70
PJ Douglas (Suff)720540     4.50
PG Duthie (Sco)6615322-5326.50 0033.00 4.81
AJ Dutton (Staff)7104211-4242.00 0071.00 3.54
MA Ealham (Kent)9014811-3848.00 0090.00 3.20
RE East (Suff)721480     4.00
G Edmunds (Shrop)721500     4.16
WG Edwards (Wales)7243611-3636.00 0072.00 3.00
JE Emburey (Mx)7205933-5919.66 0024.00 4.91
KP Evans (Nt)7243011-3030.00 0072.00 2.50
RA Evans (Ox)660560     5.09
MG Field-Buss (Nt)721440     3.66
MV Fleming (Kent)7215511-5555.00 0072.00 4.58
N Fox (Norf)2412311-2323.00 0024.00 5.75
ARC Fraser (Mx)6615311-5353.00 0066.00 4.81
PL Garlick (Dor)180170     5.66
ESH Giddins (Sx)3481018942-2147.25 0087.00 3.25
JD Glendenen (Dur)6060     6.00
AK Golding (Suff)7241522-157.50 0036.00 1.25
SC Goldsmith (Norf)721590     4.91
D Gough (Yor)20279653-3119.20 0040.40 2.85
JW Govan (Sco)7223111-3131.00 0072.00 2.58
ID Graham (Suff)7206644-6616.50 1018.00 5.50
DA Graveney (Dur)13308711-4087.00 00133.00 3.92
AP Grayson (Yor)12060     3.00
K Greenfield (Sx)174111322-3556.50 0087.00 3.89
FA Griffith (Dy)9835921-1329.50 0049.00 3.61
AD Griffiths (Wales)7235733-5719.00 0024.00 4.75
NP Hackett (Staff)361200     3.33
GM Hamilton (Sco)5424422-4422.00 0027.00 4.88
THC Hancock (Gs)110722-73.50 005.50 3.81
RJ Harden (Sm)180230     7.66
GAR Harris (Hert)7223222-3216.00 0036.00 2.66
GD Harrison (Ire)7204811-4848.00 0072.00 4.00
JS Hartley (Ox)6626611-6666.00 0066.00 6.00
PJ Hartley (Yor)198114953-6429.80 0039.60 4.51
DW Headley (Kent)13839343-4523.25 0034.50 4.04
EE Hemmings (Sx)7241511-1515.00 0072.00 1.25
GA Hick (Wo)11436911-3269.00 00114.00 3.63
CL Hooper (Kent)8716122-1230.50 0043.50 4.20
SP Hughes (Dur)12035633-2918.66 0040.00 2.80
AP Igglesden (Kent)421200     2.85
A Ikram (Wales)361330     5.50
RK Illingworth (Wo)210211821-3259.00 00105.00 3.37
MC Ilott (Es)10126611-766.00 00101.00 3.92
K Jahangir (Hert)7215744-5714.25 1018.00 4.75
KD James (Ham)14437622-2938.00 0072.00 3.16
PW Jarvis (Yor)13828211-2582.00 00138.00 3.56
RL Johnson (Mx)600440     4.40
AN Jones (Sx)11437021-1035.00 0057.00 3.68
SG Joyner (Ox)421490     7.00
M Keech (Mx)540380     4.22
SR Lampitt (Wo)14447953-2315.80 0028.80 3.29
MN Lathwell (Sm)6642311-2323.00 0066.00 2.09
SV Laudat (Ox)120160     8.00
DA Leatherdale (Wo)12080     4.00
RP Lefebvre (Gm)270188262-1313.66 0045.00 1.82
NJ Lenham (Sx)8406511-3165.00 0084.00 4.64
CC Lewis (Nt)6612433-248.00 0022.00 2.18
BJ Lloyd (Wales)360390     6.50
MA Lynch (Sy)5413221-1016.00 0027.00 3.55
MJ McCague (Kent)14448065-2613.33 0124.00 3.33
C McCrum (Ire)721480     4.00
P McCrum (Ire)6005122-5125.50 0030.00 5.10
DE Malcolm (Dy)112210643-2926.50 0028.00 5.67
NA Mallender (Sm)2441010363-3317.16 0040.66 2.53
D Marsh (Shrop)660510     4.63
PM Marsh (Wilt)300280     5.60
MD Marshall (Ham)1390640     2.76
CA Miller (Suff)7206122-6130.50 0036.00 5.08
G Miller (Ches)7233311-3333.00 0072.00 2.75
ER Moore (Ire)602470     4.70
OH Mortensen (Dy)11426121-3030.50 0057.00 3.21
AD Mullally (Le)966470     2.93
TA Munton (Wk)258614842-2537.00 0064.50 3.44
AJ Murphy (Sy)6622722-2713.50 0033.00 2.45
Mushtaq Ahmed (Sm)268613652-1627.20 0053.60 3.04
AN Nelson (Ire)600450     4.50
PG Newman (Staff)4813611-3636.00 0048.00 4.50
PJ Newport (Wo)138111353-7222.60 0027.60 4.91
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)9050     3.33
JA North (Sx)120170     8.50
PD North (Wilt)7224411-4444.00 0072.00 3.66
JFM O'Brien (Ches)6614533-4515.00 0022.00 4.09
DP Ostler (Wk)90411-44.00 009.00 2.66
OT Parkin (Dor)120230     11.50
GJ Parsons (Le)7306411-6064.00 0073.00 5.26
KA Parsons (Sm)7204722-4723.50 0036.00 3.91
ND Peel (Ches)7214522-4522.50 0036.00 3.75
AL Penberthy (Nr)162411522-3357.50 0081.00 4.25
BS Percy (Buck)300160     3.20
RA Pick (Nt)13226753-2913.40 0026.40 3.04
ARK Pierson (Le)7213811-3838.00 0072.00 3.16
ACS Pigott (Sx)182213763-2322.83 0030.33 4.51
SG Plumb (Norf)721520     4.33
PR Pollard (Nt)18090     3.00
L Potter (Le)14427232-4024.00 0048.00 3.00
J Potts (Ches)7233411-3434.00 0072.00 2.83
N Prigent (Wilt)7223822-3819.00 0036.00 3.16
DR Pringle (Es)10836111-5361.00 00108.00 3.38
RA Pyman (Dor)12070     3.50
NV Radford (Wo)186213353-5526.60 0037.20 4.29
JD Ratcliffe (Wk)300200     4.00
DA Reeve (Wk)306718373-3726.14 0043.71 3.58
IVA Richards (Gm)167313111-30131.00 00167.00 4.70
MA Robinson (Yor)21669221-3146.00 00108.00 2.55
PM Roebuck (Dev)7213733-3712.33 0024.00 3.08
GD Rose (Sm)252415793-1117.44 0028.00 3.73
PG Roshier (Buck)6025311-5353.00 0060.00 5.30
AB Russell (Sco)300200     4.00
Saleem Malik (Es)3802544-256.25 109.50 3.94
IDK Salisbury (Sx)324521172-1730.14 0046.28 3.90
GP Savin (Ox)5404211-4242.00 0054.00 4.66
M Saxelby (Nt)5404211-4242.00 0054.00 4.66
RJ Scott (Gs)9606711-3767.00 0096.00 4.18
TJA Scriven (Buck)6605422-5427.00 0033.00 4.90
JH Shackleton (Dor)361280     4.66
BK Shantry (Shrop)4213622-3618.00 0021.00 5.14
K Sharp (Shrop)600500     5.00
G Sheppard (Wilt)240410     10.25
KJ Shine (Ham)570610     6.42
DP Simpkins (Wilt)180140     4.66
GC Small (Wk)210413642-934.00 0052.50 3.88
AC Smith (Wales)7214111-4141.00 0072.00 3.41
AM Smith (Gs)14477522-1737.50 0072.00 3.12
AW Smith (Sy)7242533-258.33 0024.00 2.08
NMK Smith (Wk)276716285-1720.25 0134.50 3.52
PA Smith (Wk)266319474-3727.71 1038.00 4.37
RA Spiers (Staff)421220     3.14
IM Stanger (Sco)6633511-3535.00 0066.00 3.18
RD Stemp (Yor)600420     4.20
FD Stephenson (Sx)3121315793-2517.44 0034.66 3.01
JP Stephenson (Es)901650     4.33
PM Such (Es)11436921-1534.50 0057.00 3.63
D Surridge (Hert)721530     4.41
CJ Tavaré (Sm)6060     6.00
JP Taylor (Nr)210812431-3541.33 0070.00 3.54
DR Thomas (Norf)4803433-3411.33 0016.00 4.25
CM Tolley (Wo)17448043-2520.00 0043.50 2.75
KP Tomlins (Wilt)7225122-5125.50 0036.00 4.25
TD Topley (Es)13228843-3422.00 0033.00 4.00
RG Twose (Wk)201412542-3031.25 0050.25 3.73
SD Udal (Ham)14416622-2433.00 0072.00 2.75
MJ Vandrau (Dy)424911-99.00 0042.00 1.28
AP van Troost (Sm)234416363-5727.16 0039.00 4.17
SR Walbridge (Dor)581440     4.55
CA Walsh (Gs)12426742-2716.75 0031.00 3.24
MJ Walshe (Hert)7216722-6733.50 0036.00 5.58
Waqar Younis (Sy)190212173-1817.28 0027.14 3.82
TW Ward (Dev)7207011-7070.00 0072.00 5.83
AE Warner (Dy)7213311-3333.00 0072.00 2.75
Wasim Akram (La)662350     3.18
SL Watkin (Gm)228811643-4329.00 0057.00 3.05
M Watkinson (La)660410     3.72
PN Weekes (Mx)4203622-3618.00 0021.00 5.14
CM Wells (Sx)1080660     3.66
VJ Wells (Le)7214622-4623.00 0036.00 3.83
C White (Yor)16229432-4131.33 0054.00 3.48
RM Wight (Gs)12015821-2429.00 0060.00 2.90
A Willows (Dor)360410     6.83
J Wood (Dur)7233511-3535.00 0072.00 2.91
JG Wyatt (Dev)120170     8.50



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