Bowling in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1986 (Ordered by Player)

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J Abrahams (La)11436422-2632.00 0057.00 3.36
DL Acfield (Es)10217311-4673.00 00102.00 4.29
Afzal Masood (Ire)300350     7.00
JP Agnew (Le)10274211-3042.00 00102.00 2.47
AW Allin (Dev)7224522-4522.50 0036.00 3.75
PJW Allott (La)35412181104-2818.10 1035.40 3.06
KA Arnold (Ox)720790     6.58
Asif Din (Wk)70511-55.00 007.00 4.28
CWJ Athey (Gs)70140     12.00
JCM Atkinson (Sm)3621611-1616.00 0036.00 2.66
AM Babington (Sx)7805442-913.50 0019.50 4.15
MD Bailey (Suff)4302411-2424.00 0043.00 3.34
P Bainbridge (Gs)6624522-4522.50 0033.00 4.09
EAE Baptiste (Kent)10836222-4631.00 0054.00 3.44
KJ Barnett (Dy)6733433-3411.33 0022.33 3.04
SJ Base (Gm)7204922-4924.50 0036.00 4.08
JE Benjamin (Staff)6623722-3718.50 0033.00 3.36
WKM Benjamin (Le)12625133-2817.00 0042.00 2.42
JDR Benson (Cam)130130     6.00
MP Bicknell (Sy)222610552-3621.00 0044.40 2.83
DC Blank (Staff)542330     3.66
TJ Boon (Le)6020     2.00
AR Border (Es)120110     5.50
PA Brown (Dev)7214922-4924.50 0036.00 4.08
NW Burnett (Sco)561280     3.00
RN Busby (Ox)723400     3.33
AR Butcher (Sy)11435721-2728.50 0057.00 3.00
DJ Capel (Nr)7212911-2929.00 0072.00 2.41
P Carrick (Yor)216176953-4013.80 0043.20 1.91
D Cartledge (Staff)4812122-2110.50 0024.00 2.62
ST Clarke (Sy)183134764-217.83 1030.50 1.54
PB Clift (Le)7213922-3919.50 0036.00 3.25
DC Collard (Cam)661310     2.81
IE Conn (Dur)240270     6.75
CA Connor (Ham)14145342-2313.25 0035.25 2.25
NGB Cook (Nr)360380     6.33
KE Cooper (Nt)7234811-4848.00 0072.00 4.00
SC Corlett (Ire)7205311-5353.00 0072.00 4.41
NG Cowans (Mx)10845944-2414.75 1027.00 3.27
CS Cowdrey (Kent)540430     4.77
GR Cowdrey (Kent)6623011-3030.00 0066.00 2.72
NGC Cowley (Ham)14435533-1918.33 0048.00 2.29
ST Crawley (Ches)6012311-2323.00 0060.00 2.30
IJ Curtis (Ox)4814711-4747.00 0048.00 5.87
WW Daniel (Mx)14437364-3312.16 1024.00 3.04
PAJ DeFreitas (Le)16069232-2430.66 0053.33 3.45
SJ Dennis (Yor)723390     3.25
J Derrick (Gm)3302122-2110.50 0016.50 3.81
GR Dilley (Kent)8904455-298.80 0117.80 2.96
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)4812411-2424.00 0048.00 3.00
WA Donald (Sco)300170     3.40
K Donohue (Dev)7204233-4214.00 0024.00 3.50
CH Dredge (Sm)10826232-4620.66 0036.00 3.44
PG Duthie (Sco)541220     2.44
PH Edmonds (Mx)1441980     4.08
JB Elleray (Cum)481260     3.25
RM Ellison (Kent)6424622-4623.00 0032.00 4.31
JE Emburey (Mx)14417832-4326.00 0048.00 3.25
KP Evans (Nt)13846454-3012.80 1027.60 2.78
RA Evans (Ox)7213311-3333.00 0072.00 2.75
NH Fairbrother (La)180160     5.33
MA Feltham (Sy)13237842-2719.50 0033.00 3.54
AM Ferreira (Wk)11725243-2813.00 0029.25 2.66
GJF Ferris (Le)540490     5.44
RJ Finney (Dy)3602511-2525.00 0036.00 4.16
SD Fletcher (Yor)210412863-5321.33 0035.00 3.65
RW Flower (Staff)7233422-3417.00 0036.00 2.83
I Folley (La)14426632-3422.00 0048.00 2.75
NA Foster (Es)14436153-3112.20 0028.80 2.54
GR Furse (Corn)721520     4.33
J Garner (Sm)12635964-369.83 1021.00 2.80
AR Garofall (Hert)181110     3.66
JD Garth (Ire)721430     3.58
MW Gatting (Mx)301150     3.00
N Gifford (Wk)4812922-2914.50 0024.00 3.62
GA Gooch (Es)14457443-3118.50 0036.00 3.08
DI Gower (Le)3040     8.00
PC Graham (Nthum)7232822-2814.00 0036.00 2.33
DA Graveney (Gs)13263932-2413.00 0044.00 1.77
AH Gray (Sy)7232333-237.66 0024.00 1.91
RC Green (Suff)4211611-1616.00 0042.00 2.28
S Greensword (Dur)7215011-5050.00 0072.00 4.16
RJ Hadlee (Nt)180944105-174.40 0118.00 1.46
RJ Hailey (Hert)7233244-328.00 1018.00 2.66
GD Halliday (Nthum)7207522-7537.50 0036.00 6.25
M Halliday (Ire)420410     5.85
D Halliwell (Cum)7222911-2929.00 0072.00 2.41
RA Harper (Nr)6605611-5656.00 0066.00 5.09
PJ Hartley (Yor)14449663-4716.00 0024.00 4.00
PJ Hayes (Suff)544811-88.00 0054.00 0.88
AN Hayhurst (La)215313064-4021.66 1035.83 3.62
EE Hemmings (Nt)19888022-2740.00 0099.00 2.42
O Henry (Sco)6023411-3434.00 0060.00 3.40
R Herbert (Suff)481240     3.00
GA Hick (Wo)6012511-2125.00 0060.00 2.50
DJ Hickey (Gm)5406411-6464.00 0054.00 7.11
A Hill (Dy)180130     4.33
JS Hitchmough (Ches)7233722-3718.50 0036.00 3.08
GR Hobbins (Ox)3012511-2525.00 0030.00 5.00
MA Holding (Dy)10843211-2432.00 00108.00 1.77
GC Holmes (Gm)14446033-2120.00 0048.00 2.50
SP Hughes (Mx)13819153-5218.20 0027.60 3.95
SA Hunt (Corn)720870     7.25
RK Illingworth (Wo)241120     3.00
Imran Khan (Sx)3208128113-1611.63 0029.09 2.40
JD Inchmore (Wo)18038632-4028.66 0060.00 2.86
BS Jackson (Berk)7223011-3030.00 0072.00 2.50
KD James (Ham)10219132-1930.33 0034.00 5.35
KBS Jarvis (Kent)5412711-2727.00 0054.00 3.00
PW Jarvis (Yor)20779233-3230.66 0069.00 2.66
M Jean-Jacques (Dy)10215743-4314.25 0025.50 3.35
G Johnson (Dur)6015011-5050.00 0060.00 5.00
AN Jones (Sx)15639964-2616.50 1026.00 3.80
JH Jones (Berk)7209511-9595.00 0072.00 7.91
A Kennedy (Dor)241611-66.00 0024.00 1.50
KJ Kerr (Wk)14437432-3224.66 0048.00 3.08
PJ Kippax (Dur)7206133-6120.33 0024.00 5.08
DV Lawrence (Gs)9606344-3615.75 1024.00 3.93
NJ Lenham (Sx)5404811-4848.00 0054.00 5.33
GS le Roux (Sx)18939154-1718.20 1037.80 2.88
C Lethbridge (Cam)540200     2.22
JK Lever (Es)1264950     4.52
PJ Lewington (Berk)7252333-237.66 0024.00 1.91
TA Lloyd (Wk)3604311-4343.00 0036.00 7.16
JW Lloyds (Gs)6933522-3517.50 0034.50 3.04
CC Lovell (Corn)7208311-8383.00 0072.00 6.91
MA Lynch (Sy)6050     5.00
A McBrine (Ire)721650     5.41
BM McMillan (Wk)7015433-5418.00 0023.33 4.62
KR Maguire (Staff)481240     3.00
DJ Makinson (La)11437922-4939.50 0057.00 4.15
NA Mallender (Nr)7204411-4444.00 0072.00 3.66
SJ Malone (Dur)7215122-5125.50 0036.00 4.25
VJ Marks (Sm)14457511-6075.00 00144.00 3.12
MD Marshall (Ham)14456221-1231.00 0072.00 2.58
WG Merry (Hert)7232722-2713.50 0036.00 2.25
G Miller (Dy)7223022-3015.00 0036.00 2.50
H Milling (Ire)7206344-6315.75 1018.00 5.25
DG Moir (Sco)664320     2.90
AJ Moles (Wk)360270     4.50
G Monkhouse (Sy)12419053-3518.00 0024.80 4.35
OH Mortensen (Dy)6014711-4747.00 0060.00 4.70
EA Moseley (Gm)421120     1.71
Mudassar Nazar (Ches)6023111-3131.00 0060.00 3.10
EP Neal (Hert)481290     3.62
A Needham (Sy)9634454-328.80 1019.20 2.75
PM New (Berk)7205833-5819.33 0024.00 4.83
PG Newman (Dy)3621311-1313.00 0036.00 2.16
PJ Newport (Wo)216511443-6228.50 0054.00 3.16
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)481370     4.62
NT O'Brien (Ches)481260     3.25
CM Old (Nthum)7227311-7373.00 0072.00 6.08
RC Ontong (Gm)12039433-5031.33 0040.00 4.70
SJ O'Shaughnessy (La)276322831-2276.00 0092.00 4.95
DG Ottley (Hert)2040     12.00
DR Parry (Cam)720420     3.50
GJ Parsons (Wk)16886921-1434.50 0084.00 2.46
DN Patel (Wo)216109943-3624.75 0054.00 2.75
IR Payne (Gs)723350     2.91
RA Pick (Nt)19869642-2324.00 0049.50 2.90
ACS Pigott (Sx)9637121-035.50 0048.00 4.43
PI Pocock (Sy)2561111262-2118.66 0042.66 2.62
KR Pont (Es)721550     4.58
SR Porter (Ox)6615833-5819.33 0022.00 5.27
L Potter (Le)8433511-2835.00 0084.00 2.50
AP Pridgeon (Wo)25969432-2831.33 0086.33 2.17
DR Pringle (Es)11928343-4720.75 0029.75 4.18
RA Pybus (Suff)240270     6.75
NV Radford (Wo)258611483-2014.25 0032.25 2.65
DA Reeve (Sx)2701311284-2014.00 1033.75 2.48
BW Reidy (Cum)7223411-3434.00 0072.00 2.83
SJ Rhodes (Wo)6010     1.00
CEB Rice (Nt)18048311-2983.00 00180.00 2.76
IVA Richards (Sm)14436232-2220.66 0048.00 2.58
GRJ Roope (Berk)7223211-3232.00 0072.00 2.66
PE Russell (Dy)542200     2.22
EK Sample (Cum)562290     3.10
IEW Sanders (Dor)240200     5.00
K Saxelby (Nt)11426532-3621.66 0038.00 3.42
SP Scott (Nthum)7235522-5527.50 0036.00 4.58
BK Shantry (Dor)622480     4.64
R Sharma (Dy)12045244-2913.00 1030.00 2.60
C Shaw (Yor)14449042-3422.50 0036.00 3.75
A Sidebottom (Yor)7203111-3131.00 0072.00 2.58
J Simmons (La)216118132-3227.00 0072.00 2.25
WN Slack (Mx)120140     7.00
GC Small (Wk)14456832-2522.66 0048.00 2.83
DM Smith (Wo)121511-05.00 0012.00 2.50
PA Smith (Wk)10215722-2828.50 0051.00 3.35
TS Smith (Hert)363170     2.83
AE Snowdon (Corn)721970     8.08
DK Standing (Sx)10235422-2727.00 0051.00 3.17
JF Steele (Gm)6613232-810.66 0022.00 2.90
MG Stephenson (Cam)6004211-4242.00 0060.00 4.20
AWJ Stevenson (Sco)5423111-3131.00 0054.00 3.44
C Stone (Dor)360260     4.33
JA Sutton (Ches)481190     2.37
LB Taylor (Le)186410752-3521.40 0037.20 3.45
NR Taylor (Kent)543190     2.11
NS Taylor (Sm)12736853-4713.60 0025.40 3.21
DJ Thomas (Sy)11429732-5732.33 0038.00 5.10
JG Thomas (Gm)1263740     3.52
DA Thorne (Wk)6040     4.00
JK Tierney (Dev)722380     3.16
KP Tomlins (Gs)60100     10.00
DA Toseland (Corn)7224122-4120.50 0036.00 3.41
TM Tremlett (Ham)13227722-2938.50 0066.00 3.50
DL Underwood (Kent)1146360     1.89
A Walker (Nr)661530     4.81
CA Walsh (Gs)11425132-3017.00 0038.00 2.68
AE Warner (Dy)360490     8.16
Wasim Raja (Dur)600710     7.10
M Watkinson (La)332119953-4439.80 0066.40 3.59
AJ Webster (Staff)7214311-4343.00 0072.00 3.58
CM Wells (Sx)282712742-3531.75 0070.50 2.70
MJ Weston (Wo)541200     2.22
JJ Whitaker (Le)6100     0.00
DJ Wild (Nr)420320     4.57
P Willey (Le)21659221-1946.00 00108.00 2.55
KC Williams (Nthum)7235222-5226.00 0036.00 4.33
DC Wing (Cam)540250     2.77
AR Wingfield Digby (Dor)5423011-3030.00 0054.00 3.33
B Wood (Ches)7215644-5614.00 1018.00 4.66
MD Woods (Cum)600440     4.40
DI Yeabsley (Dev)7223211-3232.00 0072.00 2.66



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