Batting and Fielding in LV Women's County Championship 2013 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
HC Knight (Berk)882604153*100.66 69.82230 
CM Edwards (Kent)772485128*97.00 84.20234 
AL MacDonald (Gs)873468105*117.00  143 
L Winfield (Yor)88139396  56.14 70.680451
HA Leach (Le)88138892*55.42 68.91044 
EL Lamb (La)994382113*76.40 57.70120 
M Veringmeier (Neth)770362137  51.71  1291
SM Bartlett (Hert)880360107  45.00 70.03132 
RV Scholes (Sco)77135794*59.50 87.71042 
L Tonks (Nr)88035686  44.50 65.920336
CC Crewdson (Neth)109133179  41.37  026 
GA Elwiss (Sx)551327105*81.75 70.32123 
NT Miles (Mx)881317100  45.28  124 
SB Odedra (Nt)88031589  39.37  030 
SN Luff (Sm)99230393*43.28 52.97021 
EL Marriott (Le)882300115*50.00 54.4411126
T van der Gun (Neth)1010529173*58.20  021 
FC Wilson (Sm)98128985  41.28 95.37033 
A Cranstone (Dev)88027978  34.87 69.23022 
LS Greenway (Kent)771277100  46.16 68.90124 
NR Sciver (Sy)77027796  39.57 75.27023 
DN Wyatt (Nt)660277124  46.16  120 
N Brown (La)99326590  44.16 81.53027 
CC Dalton (Mx)88426389*65.75  013 
CM Horton (Dy)771262111*43.66  114 
D Hannema (Neth)1010025171  25.10  016 
AK Evans (Gs)87024582  35.00  011 
IMHC Joyce (Ire)66224395*60.75 85.26022 
GA Porter (Ox)99124160  30.12 47.25022 
HR Stolle (Mx)88023554  29.37  010 
JJ Watson (Yor)99123284*29.00 54.84021 
CM Taylor (Ham)99023148  25.66 60.00002 
RA Birch (Dev)772230102*46.00 76.41103 
EP Campbell (Sm)66023085  38.33 68.45020 
JL Dunn (Ches)88022978  28.62 56.40025 
JL Gunn (Nt)66322886*76.00  021 
L Marshall (La)99022488  24.88 80.28013 
SJ Taylor (Sx)542222128*111.00 89.511032
FL James (Staff)88120561  29.28 100.000144
H Smith (Hert)66020497  34.00 38.93011 
J Smit (Nt)88320350  40.60  0183
DE Prestidge (Ches)88020176  25.12 53.31012 
A Brindle (Sx)77119952*33.16 50.25036 
EJ Inglis (Mx)87119875  33.00  0271
TF Brookes (Wo)871195110*32.50 54.46106 
AL Currie (Ox)99019255  21.33 44.230243
FE Urquhart (Sco)88119297*27.42 83.47010 
AJ Macleod (Berk)88019168  23.87 69.70015 
D Hazell (Yor)97018958  27.00 60.00018 
LG Kellogg (Dy)87118782  31.16  010 
SJ Le Marchand (Sm)331183100  91.50 68.791121
ESC Ingram (Ham)99018246  20.22 89.21002 
CE Whyle (Staff)88118252  26.00 47.15011 
HW Rambaldo (Neth)55018279  36.40  012 
K White (Sco)76218064  45.00 88.66010 
AJ Mannion (Hert)77217947*35.80 68.84005 
M Montgomery (Cum)440177108  44.25 62.76110 
TT Beaumont (Kent)87217178  34.20 53.600223
GM Davies (Wales)77016450  23.42 55.40023 
GL Adams (Sx)99115936  19.87 47.32008 
RHM Hopkins (Dy)88115865*22.57  013 
CF Allcock (Staff)88115548  22.14 27.33000 
CL Holtom (Wo)87215565*31.00 49.83015 
K Best (Wk)77215372  30.60  013 
LE Onojaife (Es)66015358  25.50 58.62023 
CM Wood (Ox)99015251  16.88  011 
FMK Morris (Berk)88015147  18.87 49.67002 
AE Jones (Wk)88014951  18.62  0184
AL Walker (Sx)97214952  29.80 79.25017 
E MacGregor (Es)55014672  29.20 71.21011 
C Jackson (Hert)86114160*28.20 57.78013 
DA Ransley (Ham)99014033  15.55 47.61001 
RE Yeo (Wilt)44014097  35.00 91.50010 
SS Sundaram (Dy)87013952  19.85  012 
DR Cooper (Kent)87113853  23.00 53.90013 
L Ellison (Dur)88013742  17.12  000 
JL Godman (Wilt)33013665  45.33 66.01011 
O Thornton (Nt)66013540  22.50  001 
NV Lynch (Ham)99113451*16.75 39.640163
EV Smart (Wk)77013375  19.00  014 
M Burton (Wales)66113342  26.60 46.66002 
MA Burt (Cam)22113376  133.00 49.81020 
SF Daley (Staff)88113235  18.85 66.00004 
HC Courtnell (Es)88213134*21.83 80.86001 
LA Hockaday (Dur)77012842  18.28  0072
SE Rowe (Sy)44012892  32.00 96.96013 
J Masser (Le)77012748  18.14 64.46001 
AL Gauvrit (Nr)66112637*25.20 58.06001 
HV Jones (Sy)88012534  15.62 35.71002 
JA Laycock (La)99112438  15.50 57.40008 
JL Cook (Es)88012441  15.50 46.61001 
S Butler (Staff)86112449  24.80 37.68003 
EAJ Richardson (Ire)76112271  24.40 91.04013 
CK Boycott (Wo)87112137  20.16 44.48001 
S Briggs (Yor)98412033*30.00 59.70001 
AL Swan (Hert)88211937  19.83 50.85000 
BL Hawken (Corn)55311933*59.50 29.97003 
GA Basketter (Wales)77011859  16.85 50.42011 
AL Hawkins (Nt)86111847*23.60  001 
LK Delany (Ire)87111666*19.33 53.95010 
BA Langston (Es)66011641  19.33 34.73001 
JK Harfield (Ham)55111574*28.75 70.12014 
BK Absolon (Suff)66111444  22.80 47.89001 
K Carswell (Sco)43011362  37.66 66.08022 
HEM Phelps (Sx)99111236  14.00 46.09000 
M Kelly (Wk)88011141  13.87  001 
KE White (Sy)55011153  22.20 42.520142
BL Morgan (Mx)55011158  22.20  012 
CR Scutt (Sy)88110939  15.57 46.58002 
S King (Dur)77010949  15.57  002 
RK Williams (Wales)77110939  18.16 46.78001 
S Haggo (Sco)44010960  27.25 66.06012 
NC Heywood (Wo)66110859*21.60 47.360141
KL Cross (La)96010758  17.83 58.79013 
AD Carr (Dev)77010648  15.14 45.290022
EG Starr (Le)77210644*21.20 53.00002 
CL Bascombe (Sco)65210644*35.33 53.53005 
N Richards (Corn)55110626*26.50 43.26001 
L Owen (Es)88210540  17.50 61.76001 
R Godschalk (Nthum)33010561  35.00  012 
HDJ Siegers (Neth)88210425  17.33  004 
JS Beetham (Wilt)33210440*104.00 43.33002 
KB Baker (Es)88010337  12.87 38.720073
EA Harrison (Nr)77010234  14.57 37.50002 
AK Mistry (Ham)99310124*16.83 33.44003 
KL Coppack (Ches)55010148  20.20 60.84000 
CMA Shillington (Ire)55010130  20.20 98.05001 
RN Todd (Ox)99010030  11.11 33.11004 
CL Nicholas (Wales)77210047  20.00 63.69002 
K Taylor (Nr)8809940  12.37 32.78003 
LJ Crofts (Wk)6639927  33.00 44.19001 
T Hodson (Cum)4429940*49.50 122.22002 
OSM Rae (Sco)7709745  13.85 41.10002 
LA Marsh (Kent)3319666  48.00 75.59010 
H Gradwell (Ches)7709431  13.42 32.52005 
BN Patel (Le)8819225  13.14 54.76002 
RJ Struthers (Wales)7709239  13.14 64.33003 
P Taylor (Dev)7609239  15.33 68.65000 
AH Boddington (Nr)9829129  15.16 61.48003 
EY Lally (Staff)8609138  15.16 44.17003 
AK Ford (Suff)6629132*22.75 39.05001 
KH Blunt (Wo)8618926*17.80 52.97006 
L Shrubsole (Sm)9818833  12.57 45.12000 
EV Elsom (Suff)6518875  22.00 67.17014 
RB Bertrand (Dev)3308756  29.00 52.72015 
EC Jackson (Shrop)4308557  28.33 56.29014 
S Benson (Buck)3308573  28.33 51.51012 
GM Hennessy (Wk)7708326  11.85  002 
SM Khan (Gs)7608326  13.83  001 
J Riddell (Dur)8828236*13.66  003 
DM Braat (Neth)6508228  16.40  000 
GE Muttitt (Ox)9908031  8.88 42.55000 
RL Grimley (Dy)8707929  11.28  003 
A Shrubsole (Sm)6607820  13.00 90.69003 
FS Clarkson (Wk)8807730  9.62  001 
EJ Gerke (Berk)8717726*12.83 50.65002 
BA Butcher (Es)7707633  10.85 57.14002 
CNIM Joyce (Ire)3207639  38.00 61.78001 
KF Morley (Hert)7627529*18.75 96.15001 
IV Collis (Sx)6517551*18.75 51.36010 
EA Beamish (Ire)4407432  18.50 39.36000 
PJ Scholfield (Sx)7317448  37.00 100.00003 
R Petherick (Dur)7707330  10.42  005 
HJ Armitage (Yor)6517325  18.25 41.47005 
JR Westwood (Wales)4407355  18.25 41.470142
R Vernon (Dy)8707228  10.28  000 
RL Gillott (Nthum)4407136  17.75  002 
J Gardner (Nr)9707028  10.00 34.14008 
SJ Mackenzie (Corn)5416925  23.00 37.700011
NS Cowan (Nr)7736833*17.00 39.30004 
L Dickson (Sco)6506841  13.60 39.30000 
LA Parfitt (Wales)4406852  17.00 38.20010 
JA Kitzinger (Ches)7706721  9.57 34.71001 
AAK Flory (Ox)3306737  22.33  000 
SL Clarke (Sy)8806622  8.25 39.52004 
EA Russell (Wk)8636638  22.00  003 
ECS Sykes (Cum)4416655*22.00 81.48012 
A Kelly (Dev)8606427  10.66 50.39003 
H Lang (Ox)8816331  9.00 44.68002 
AL Nicholls (Mx)7516331  15.75 54.78001 
EA Woodhouse (Norf)4406329  15.75 35.59004 
L Thomas (Dor)3306337  21.00 52.06000 
S Batra (Le)5506230  12.40 44.28001 
A Campbell (Yor)5506220  12.40 54.86000 
HB Cowper (Cum)4406221  15.50 72.94000 
CA Barrett-Mold (Buck)4406227  15.50 26.72000 
C Burton (Ox)5506026  12.00 39.47000 
A Nicholson (Nthum)2206058  30.00 53.57010 
KL Doherty (Yor)8715914*9.83 27.96001 
AJ Drummond (Sco)1105959  59.00 68.60010 
LP Griffiths (Ches)1105959  59.00 81.94011 
DV Gardner (Berk)8715716  9.50 50.89001 
RA Rolfe (Ire)7505739  11.40 42.53003 
AM Rogers (Berk)8815634  8.00 37.33000 
J Turner (Buck)4405528  13.75 69.62002 
PJ Everett (Suff)6405537  13.75 61.11002 
CMG Atkins (Sm)1105555  55.00 73.33011 
CH Hofman (Neth)9945417*10.80  002 
CA Williams (Ches)7705429  7.71 35.06000 
VJ Neal (Hert)7705313  7.57 24.760022
C Frew (Nthum)1115353* 76.81010 
S Smith (Nr)8535219  26.00  002 
N Hawes (Nthum)2205242  26.00  001 
EK Hubbard (Kent)8725128  10.20 25.37000 
LI Wilkinson (Sco)7515128*12.75 69.86002 
CE Rudd (Berk)8705035  7.14 37.590052
E Bolam (Ham)7625022*12.50 47.61003 
KJ Harvey (Ches)3315044*25.00 58.82001 
CA Chapman (Dur)7704922  7.00  007 
C O'Keefe (Dev)7624920*12.25 42.60000 
ETA Harrison (Nr)6604926  8.16 25.65001 
AR Stevenson (Sy)1104949  49.00 63.63001 
HM Falla (Dur)6614818  9.60 67.60002 
L Spragg (Yor)6514831  12.00 56.47000 
MEMO Scott-Hayward (Ire)5414831  16.00 85.71003 
RC Howells (Shrop)4404828  12.00 41.02003 
EG Reynolds (Es)7704626  6.57 27.71001 
J Breakwell (Shrop)2204633  23.00 42.20000 
KH Brunt (Yor)2114646* 82.14001 
E Jones (Staff)8614424*8.80 43.56002 
U Raymond-Hoey (Ire)2214443*44.00 61.97000 
MK Pittman (Dy)2214444*44.00 89.790001
JL Hawker (Sm)7624313*10.75 51.19005 
LE Szczepanski (Sm)9614324  8.60 29.25005 
E Robinson (Gs)3304327  14.33  0001
RL Grundy (Wk)8624216*10.50  001 
BS Glen (Dur)7624224*10.50 47.19000 
ND Dattani (Mx)7504219  8.40 65.62001 
P Tirimanna (Norf)4404235  10.50 30.880021
E Windsor (Ham)3304220  14.00 42.85001 
MJ Fairclough (La)8314228  21.00 66.66002 
LM Harris (Dev)5314221*21.00 34.14000 
A Aitken (Sco)5424130*20.50 117.14004 
K Taylor (Wales)3324137  41.00 58.57002 
JH Gardner (Ox)4404020  10.00 38.46002 
CS Dhesi (Norf)4404021  10.00 24.24000 
RJ Raval (Mx)6314018*20.00 60.60000 
L Antcliffe (Dy)3304023  13.33  0011
H Smith (Ches)1104040  40.00 67.79000 
KJ Garth (Ire)1114040* 40.00001 
HF Arrol (Hert)8513922*9.75 28.26001 
SE Pout (Sy)5503922  7.80 30.95000 
LCN Smith (Berk)5413920*13.00 58.20001 
S Brazier (Gs)1113939* 125.80000 
EM Norton (Ox)101033813  5.42 48.10003 
GEF Adcock (Sm)9603817  6.33 64.400046
CJ Cooper (Shrop)3303826  12.66 38.00000 
KL Durham (Cam)2203835  19.00 90.47000 
EL Waldron (Gs)6503720  7.40 31.62001 
RR Lakhtaria (Mx)6403728  9.25 48.05001 
GK Mumby (Wales)6403721  9.25 71.15000 
J Jones (Dev)4313724*18.50 53.62000 
EM Porter (Ox)4403621  9.00 52.17000 
S Hartley (Cam)4303621  12.00 37.89002 
A Sargeant (Nthum)3303624  12.00  000 
AJ Kenealy (Ire)6303625  12.00 80.00002 
F Bibi (Nr)9623512*8.75  001 
ELT de Lange (Neth)9513521  8.75 35.35006 
LK Verroken-Jones (Buck)3303517  11.66 50.72000 
LM Kelly-Tonge (Buck)2213525*35.00 47.94000 
L O'Reilly (Ches)5513411  8.50 37.36001 
CD Lowman (Dor)4403420  8.50 20.85001 
PC Hankins (Nr)9603317  5.50  008 
HB Robinson (Shrop)4413320*11.00 41.25001 
AR Quemby (Le)4433330*33.00 60.00001 
K Davies (Dy)8733218  8.00  001 
G Brown (Cum)4403220  8.00 29.90000 
HM Masters (Wilt)3323224*32.00 114.28000 
IC Watson (Wk)8623114*7.75  002 
ASK Kingstone (Le)7323120*31.00 34.44002 
SA Parnell (Sx)4313118  15.50 56.360001
CE Jamieson (Dur)7723014  6.00  003 
IN Brown (Berk)7623011  7.50 76.92002 
LE Malkin (Staff)7413019*10.00 37.50001 
R Donohue (Dev)8612910  5.80 22.65003 
V Mitchell (Suff)6412919*9.66 38.66002 
HL Colvin (Sx)3202918  14.50 51.78001 
FE Nicholls (Corn)5202919  14.50 35.36001 
SP Earl (Cum)4412820  9.33 27.18001 
CL Griffith (Es)4402814  7.00 30.76002 
AN Davidson-Richards (Kent)6312821  14.00 40.00001 
SA Halsey (Ox)3302816  9.33 36.84000 
ER Kelly (Sy)7512715  6.75 42.85001 
RE Tregear (Gs)7512711  6.75  002 
E Pearce (Dor)1102727  27.00 58.69000 
KM Robson (Sy)6622617*6.50 34.66002 
R Hook (Dur)6612612  5.20  003 
EC Broad (Dor)4402612  6.50 18.57000 
SM Kavanagh (Ire)5302611  8.66 36.110014
R Chettleburgh (Norf)3302617  8.66 18.43000 
LN McCarthy (Ire)6302621  8.66 37.14001 
M Hogg (Norf)2202621  13.00 53.06000 
A Kirkland (Dy)3202624  13.00 54.16001 
CL Walker (Gs)7712514  4.16  000 
MJ Comfort (Sm)9612511  5.00 38.46001 
IBP Noakes (Sx)9422513*12.50 39.06003 
R Dyer (Ham)3302512  8.33 29.41000 
C Coulson (Dur)3202517  12.50  001 
C Cranmer (Suff)2202516  12.50 62.50001 
A Tirimanna (Norf)4422411*12.00 18.60001 
MV Waldron (Ire)6302420  8.00 26.660064
CC van Slobbe (Neth)4302416  8.00  000 
RM Walsh (La)5322417  24.00 35.82000 
CH Amore (Wilt)2202417  12.00 34.28002 
S Glenn (Dy)2112424* 100.00002 
HM Garton (Dev)1112424* 120.00000 
A McCray (Le)7512313*5.75 50.00001 
SC Selman (Sy)3312318*11.50 60.52001 
BR Doshi (La)952227*7.33 36.66002 
RV Inns (Berk)6502211  4.40 27.84000 
EM Priddle (Sco)4402222  5.50 44.89000 
RA Baldwin (Wo)8412215  7.33 46.80002 
RH Silk (Sx)8422212*11.00 61.11000 
CV Walsh (Shrop)430229  7.33 28.57001 
HA Knight (Sy)3322217*22.00 47.82000 
G Hitchings (Cum)2202216  11.00 14.10001 
HV Shipman (Wk)2202221  11.00 45.83000 
EJ Tice (Ire)3112222* 88.00001 
RM Hartnett (Ham)882219  3.50 28.37001 
FR Barber (Ham)5502110  4.20 19.26001 
JR Bakewell (Dy)750218  4.20  001 
IS Newman (Wilt)3312120*10.50 38.88001 
AM Hutchison (Norf)3302117  7.00 46.66001 
EL Bartram (Ox)5512011  5.00 28.16000 
RJ Widdowson (Nt)8512011*5.00  000 
FH Cartwright (Wales)5312014*10.00 66.66000 
JA Couser (La)2202014  10.00 50.00001 
R Ali (Nthum)3202020  10.00 33.33000 
SN Ford-Keeble (Suff)6411912*6.33 24.05003 
CL Allen (Gs)4301916  6.33 24.35002 
A Bridges (Corn)3211919*19.00 33.33002 
CJ Crosse (Wilt)3201919  9.50 79.16002 
JEM Alfert (Dor)2211917*19.00 28.35000 
CL Ross (Mx)3201918  9.50 40.42000 
L Wood (Wilt)4211913*19.00 26.02000 
L McDonnell (Dur)7531815*9.00  001 
G Barker (Shrop)441188*6.00 25.71000 
J Jackson (Sy)840186  4.50 17.47003 
GL Holmes (La)831189  9.00 66.66003 
R Knight (Nthum)3201813  9.00 72.00001 
KL George (Ham)1101818  18.00 50.00000 
E Ward (Dev)750177  3.40 58.62000 
E Barker (Ches)550177  3.40 15.31001 
EM Evans (Staff)8511710  4.25 28.81003 
L Sandy (Buck)4401714  4.25 17.34000 
K Robson (Cum)4411711*5.66 62.96000 
J Withers (Sm)9421710  8.50 29.82002 
GJ Gibbs (Kent)7411714  5.66 38.63000 
L Klokgieters (Neth)7411710  5.66  000 
LA O'Reilly (Ire)4321710*17.00 37.77001 
NR Peck (Nthum)3311712*8.50 36.17000 
VJ Hathway (Wilt)2211711  17.00 89.47000 
LR Pringle (Dur)2201714  8.50 58.62000 
K Withycombe (Nthum)2101717  17.00  000 
SM Connor (Ches)761165  3.20 26.22002 
KA Whyle (Staff)852167*5.33 33.33002 
J Williams (Nr)953169*8.00 59.25001 
KM Beams (Es)553168*8.00 88.88000 
ME Manktelow (Buck)3311610*8.00 37.20000 
SR John (Dor)1101616  16.00 32.65000 
LA Rowles (Wo)750159  3.00 15.150014
CN Villiers-Smith (Buck)4411510  5.00 31.25000 
MC Callaghan (Dor)4411513  5.00 39.47000 
L Arnold (Shrop)3311513  7.50 34.09000 
L Pearson (Hert)531159  7.50 50.00003 
FR Davies (Sx)720158  7.50 22.72001 
D Rigby (Dor)2201510  7.50 48.38000 
HJ Jeffery (Es)763147  4.66 46.66001 
DL Warren (Mx)841146  4.66 31.81003 
M Zahoor (Wk)2211410  14.00 20.89000 
EL Cane (Hert)3211410*14.00 21.53004 
PC Graham (Yor)320149  7.00 63.63000 
SL Moore (Ox)886139*6.50 19.69001 
AJ Simms (Yor)950136  2.60 24.07002 
CG Dukes (Gs)442135*6.50  000 
KL Gordon (Sco)6311310*6.50 76.47000 
N Wilson (Suff)531139*6.50 12.740051
FG Plumb (Cam)431138  6.50 17.56000 
AL Kerrison (Ire)2211312*13.00 56.52000 
JS Derbyshire (Nt)5211310  13.00 38.23002 
H Young (Shrop)220138  6.50 18.84001 
CE Varcoe (Dev)220137  6.50 28.26000 
LP Rushen (Norf)1101313  13.00 68.42000 
KA Levick (Yor)953125*6.00 28.57003 
LMS Lawless (Es)651126  3.00 23.07000 
CAE Hill (Buck)440126  3.00 29.26001 
B Kerins (Sy)640126  3.00 41.37001 
LF Higham (Le)842129*6.00 22.64002 
EL Arlott (Wo)540129  3.00 36.36002 
R Mathews (Shrop)4301210  4.00 23.07000 
ED Good (Yor)3311211  6.00 34.280012
EJ Reay (Norf)330128  4.00 42.85000 
BJ Unwin (Nt)521127  12.00 38.70001 
IT Guha (Berk)2201212  6.00 35.29001 
EMA Godman (Sm)1101212  12.00 22.64000 
R White (Ox)1101212  12.00 48.00000 
ZL Cape (Sm)632115*11.00 22.00001 
H Batchelor (Ham)430117  3.66 20.75000 
J Richards (Gs)330114  3.66 55.00001 
Y Benfold (Nthum)4311111*5.50  001 
RA Lewis (Ire)2201110  5.50 33.33000 
SSI Gumbs (Berk,Le)750106  2.00 25.64000 
R Barron (Nt)840104  2.50 25.00000 
E Binns (Nthum)330105  3.33  000 
HR Jelfs (Kent)733108* 30.30000 
L Brouwers (Neth)321105*10.00  001 
AL Footner (Wilt)220106  5.00 25.00002 
PNG McMurray (Hert)421106*10.00 35.71001 
M Kornet (Neth)8201010  5.00 23.80003 
F Batool (Cam)2201010  5.00 18.51001 
JJ Cull (Gs)3201010  5.00 50.00000 
SSA Gumbs (Berk)76294  2.25 60.00002 
C Phillips (Dev)65195*2.25 16.66001 
LC Slater (Dy)65097  1.80  000 
L Marshall (Gs)75296  3.00  0071
RE Rowe (Corn)54298*4.50 34.61006 
G Smith (Shrop)43195  4.50 20.93000 
FE Wynne (Wales)43096  3.00 36.00000 
EJ Wakeling (Wilt)43095  3.00 18.36003 
A Riccio (Sy)33297*9.00 33.33000 
J Greaves (Wo)73296*9.00 47.36001 
A Jones (Cam)22099  4.50 47.36001 
FS Lausen (Dev)22099  4.50 37.50000 
L Maxwell (Nt)72297* 52.94000 
LA Binns (Sy)32195*9.00 40.900011
C Mandale (Dor)22097  4.50 21.42000 
DA Houlden (Nr)31099  9.00 100.00001 
C Kemp (Ox)11099  9.00 30.00000 
LFM Cullen (Ire)11099  9.00 40.90001 
S Burton (Ox)11099  9.00 17.64000 
H Zaman (Wales)11099  9.00 31.03001 
S Ecclestone (Ches)66084  1.33 17.77002 
H Sandy (Buck)44183*2.66 23.52000 
BL Firth (Yor)84086  2.00 15.68000 
M Jones (Shrop)43186  4.00 22.22000 
L Hayton (Cum)32088  4.00 23.52001 
P Griffiths (Gs)11088  8.00 66.66001 
FN Cleverley (Cam)11088  8.00 13.33000 
LK Browne (Buck)11088  8.00 38.09000 
NJ Durham (Cam)11088  8.00 114.28000 
S Ahmed (Ches)11088  8.00 29.62000 
D Lavender (Suff)63274*7.00 22.58000 
HM Grice (Corn)53075  2.33 41.17001 
HL Fenby (Dur)33275  7.00  001 
AE Manson (Cam)42275* 26.92003 
L Scott (Nthum)22177*7.00  000 
AY Hassall (Buck)22074  3.50 17.50001 
JA Ward (Wales)11077  7.00 38.88000 
J Gray (Ire)21077  7.00 63.63000 
J Knell (Cam)21077  7.00 26.92001 
HR Till (La)91077  7.00 70.000062
HFA Stone (Buck)11077  7.00 43.75000 
AO Lacey (Dy)85263  2.00  004 
MS Norup (Wo)85164  1.50 12.76005 
CD Davis (Gs)74064  1.50  001 
N Wheeler (Sco)53265*6.00 35.29000 
BE Rickman (Dor)33066  2.00 10.34000 
RJ Carrick (Ham)63265*6.00 24.00001 
AM John (Dor)33163  3.00 20.00000 
A Lotay (Buck)22166  6.00 15.78000 
AV Carnwell (Staff)62264* 100.00000 
SE McGahan (Norf)22066  3.00 35.29000 
LA Myatt (Ox)22166*6.00 40.00001 
J Williams (Corn)41066  6.00 30.00000 
L Johnson (Nthum)11066  6.00 54.54000 
NG Williams-Wadley (Wales)21066  6.00 66.66001 
L Jack (Sco)54153  1.66 35.710041
A Lague (Hert)84253*2.50 31.25002 
S Brüning (Neth)83355*  002 
LM Andrews (Cam)32055  2.50 17.24000 
R Rodighiero (Ches)22055  2.50 22.72000 
CM Green (Sx)42053  2.50 11.11000 
VL Watson (Dur)22053  2.50 23.80000 
B Holmes (Norf)11055  5.00 62.50000 
EG Allman (Nthum)21055  5.00 83.33000 
EK Stock (Nt)53142*2.00 57.14001 
N Lyons (Ches)33042  1.33 21.05001 
KG Nuttall (Yor)42044  2.00 21.05001 
VJ Bowden (Dev)32143  4.00 21.05001 
KM Pearce (Corn)52044  2.00 20.00002 
AP MacLoughlin (Norf)22043  2.00 8.88001 
ML Rowe (Corn)21044  4.00 26.66001 
AJ Newman (Suff)31044  4.00 36.36001 
LM Cadge (Norf)11044  4.00 66.66001 
CE Dowhunek (Ox)11044  4.00 44.44000 
CEM Smaill (Wales)11044  4.00 20.00000 
MG Hattemore (Dor)11044  4.00 33.33000 
A Kenealy (Ire)11044  4.00 22.22000 
L Helston (Dev)11044  4.00 25.00000 
SE McCann (Ches)11044  4.00 66.66002 
DH Maidment (Dor)11044  4.00 44.44000 
LK Bennett (Neth)61044  4.00  000 
E Hopkins (Wales)33132  1.50 12.50000 
B Osborne (Cum)43132  1.50 21.42000 
K Haddon (Dor)22033  1.50 60.000011
KE Mills (Wilt)21033  3.00 17.64002 
EA Howe (Sm)21033  3.00 17.64000 
MJ Robbins (Gs)11033  3.00 25.00000 
SIR Dunkley-Brown (Mx)41033  3.00 100.00002 
LM Raven (Norf)11033  3.00 6.00000 
AL Houghton (Wo)41033  3.00 27.27000 
NE Farrant (Kent)71133* 21.42001 
NJ Long (Ches)77522*1.00 14.28001 
EE Alder (Gs)43022  0.66  000 
JE Clilverd (Cam)33022  0.66 6.45000 
LCR Reeder (Ham)33022  0.66 6.66002 
AL Corbett (Dor)22021  1.00 22.22000 
J Greenfield (Ham)22022  1.00 8.69000 
RL Gunn (Dor)22121*2.00 22.22000 
A Patel (Wk)62122  2.00  001 
HE Timmins (Ham)42022  1.00 10.00000 
E Rae (Wilt)32022  1.00 9.09000 
JL Sullivan (Dor)22022  1.00 11.76000 
V Cruickshank (Sy)11122* 22.22000 
ED Walters (Sy)11122* 6.25000 
L Marshall (Ox)11022  2.00 66.66000 
EL Burt (Sx)11022  2.00 33.33000 
EJ Markland (Cam)11022  2.00 13.33000 
GT Clements (Cam)21122* 100.00000 
RP Davison-Smith (Wilt)11022  2.00 22.22000 
L Smith (Wilt)21022  2.00 28.57000 
A Hartley (Mx)84211*0.50 20.00001 
B Cornell (Norf)33111*0.50 2.04000 
SL Fogwill (Le)33111*0.50 8.33001 
G Campbell (Cum)42011  0.50 33.33000 
K Critchley (Cam)22011  0.50 4.00000 
S Bi (Wo)32011  0.50 11.11000 
CS Toal (Le)72111*1.00 4.16000 
O Jones (Dor)11011  1.00 5.00000 
CS Squire (Dev)11011  1.00 50.00000 
M Smith (Norf)21111* 20.00000 
KS Castle (Es)11011  1.00 25.00000 
CL Coombes (Sm)11111* 50.00000 
CR Ellwood (Cum)11011  1.00 20.00001 
MSK Woodward (Buck)11111* 100.00000 
LM Gladdy (Ox)21111* 9.09000 
BG Veal (Nthum)11011  1.00  001 
AJ Freeborn (Sx)61111* 50.000061
SA Bendon (Nr)11111* 100.00000 
SE Richards (Corn)11011  1.00 20.00000 
K Oliver (Dor)11011  1.00 6.66001 
NE Bacciochi (Wk)11111* 6.66000 
H Thompson (Gs)11011  1.00  000 
JD Humby (Wo)21011  1.00 12.50000 
G Smith (Suff)11111* 12.50000 
SM Sutton (Nt)71011  1.00 25.00000 
MK Villiers (Es)11011  1.00 25.00000 
JS Jackson (Kent)71111* 50.00000 
HT McCurrie (Ches)11011  1.00 10.00000 
V Strode (Ox)11011  1.00 16.66000 
NJ Scull (Ox)11011  1.00 20.00000 
K Evans (Norf)11011  1.00 7.69000 
JE Titmuss (La)93200*0.00 0.00003 
NAA Beesley (Berk)43200*0.00 0.00000 
C Murphy (Ches)33000  0.00 0.00000 
E Knight (Sm)32000  0.00 0.00000 
E Roberts (Ham)32200* 0.00000 
AE Collinson (Gs)11000  0.00 0.00000 
GC Lancaster (Dev)11100* 0.00000 
A Lawman (Hert)11000  0.00 0.00000 
S Smith (Cum)21000  0.00 0.00001 
A Rafiq (Dy)11000  0.00  001 
SA Ullah (Nthum)11000  0.00 0.00000 
R Heathcote (Cam)11000  0.00 0.00001 
HF Boland (Ox)21000  0.00 0.00000 
K Strachan (Sco)21000  0.00 0.00000 
C Mincher (Staff)11000  0.00 0.00000 
EM Blamey (Corn)41000  0.00 0.00002 
H Morgan (Wilt)11000  0.00 0.00000 
CT Pym (Shrop)21000  0.00 0.00002 
M Willis (Cam)11000  0.00 0.00000 
RL D'Arcy (Dor)11000  0.00 0.00000 
OE Tew (Wo)21100* 0.00000 
NKA Patel (La)31000  0.00 0.00001 
HL Beresford (Dy)11100*  000 
N Martin (Hert)21000  0.00 0.00001 
HMS Gibson (Hert)21100* 0.00002 
P Palmer (Suff)11100* 0.00001 
CR Donnelly (Dor)11000  0.00 0.00000 
LJ Thompson (Kent)11000  0.00 0.000031
D Woodhouse (Norf)11100* 0.00000 
LM Kasperek (Es)11000  0.00 0.00000 
J Mayho (Ox)11100* 0.00000 
LJ Pagett (Gs)11000  0.00 0.00000 
R Nicholas (Wales)11100* 0.00001 
EC Measey (Buck)21000  0.00 0.00000 
PA Chatterji (Sco)21000  0.00 0.00001 
CH Thomas (Wales)11100* 0.00000 
BD Gillin (Sco)21000  0.00  000 
CM Conway (Ire)11100* 0.00000 
P Thompson (Norf)11000  0.00 0.00000 
B Willshaw (Corn)41100* 0.00000 
HJ Buck (Yor)10       0 
JC McIntosh (Hert)10       0 
G Seneviratne (Hert)10       0 
C Owen (Cam)10       0 
RH Sprawson (Nt)10       0 
JK Watts (Kent)10       0 
M Peters (Nthum)10       0 
F Gill (Ire)10       0 
CVE Pape (Kent)60       2 
T Webb (Wo)10       0 
KM Chathli (Sy)10       1 
K Barnes (Wo)30       0 
H Macey (Hert)10       0 
L Wright (Wilt)10       0 
ZR Cullum (Gs)20       1 
EC Albery (Hert)10       0 
H Bruce (Nthum)10       0 
MS Belt (Kent)30       0 
N McCready (Cam)10       0 
R Wilson (Suff)40       0 
S Kelly (Wk)10       0 
D Tress (Kent)20       0 
C Campion (Cam)10       0 
HKL Wakeman (Mx)10       0 
EC Veal (Nthum)10       0 
S Powell (Wilt)10       1 
K Ecclestone (Staff)20       0 
SA McArdle (La)10       0 
L Charlton (Dur)10       1 
KL Williams (Corn)20       1 
AD Burle (Le)20       0 
A Watson (Le)10       0 
L Shaw (Suff)50       1 



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