Bowling in Benson and Hedges Cup 1996 (Ordered by Player)

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JA Afford (Nt)16857343-1818.25 0042.00 2.60
P Aldred (Dy)5405322-3526.50 0027.00 5.88
MW Alleyne (Gs)210016842-4742.00 0052.50 4.80
MJD Allingham (Sco)480600     7.50
CEL Ambrose (Nr)290417652-4035.20 0058.00 3.64
ID Austin (La)45012266144-2119.00 1032.14 3.54
RJ Bailey (Nr)660630     5.72
P Bainbridge (Dur)1201511-1515.00 0012.00 7.50
MCJ Ball (Gs)9617111-1771.00 0096.00 4.43
KJ Barnett (Dy)3702311-123.00 0037.00 3.72
SR Barwick (Gm)347327762-4946.16 0057.83 4.78
RT Bates (Nt)222412873-2118.28 0031.71 3.45
JE Benjamin (Sy)6025311-5353.00 0060.00 5.30
WKM Benjamin (Ham)204616583-2620.62 0025.50 4.85
JDR Benson (Ire)9008811-4188.00 0090.00 5.86
MM Betts (Dur)5423622-3618.00 0027.00 4.00
MG Bevan (Yor)3102511-2525.00 0031.00 4.83
IR Beven (Sco)126211833-3439.33 0042.00 5.61
MP Bicknell (Sy)252619863-1933.00 0042.00 4.71
SD Birbeck (Dur)900860     5.73
JAR Blain (Sco)5405811-3758.00 0054.00 6.44
J Boiling (Dur)174010052-2220.00 0034.80 3.44
SAJ Boswell (Univ)299230221-61151.00 00149.50 6.06
PD Bowler (Sm)3040     8.00
MT Brimson (Le)6005611-5656.00 0060.00 5.60
JE Brinkley (Wo)150213642-4434.00 0037.50 5.44
DR Brown (Wk)3571021062-2635.00 0059.50 3.52
SJE Brown (Dur)240614742-2836.75 0060.00 3.67
GP Butcher (Gm)7204822-2124.00 0036.00 4.00
MA Butcher (Sy)720740     6.16
AR Caddick (Sm)162612475-5117.71 0123.14 4.59
CL Cairns (Nt)6005011-5050.00 0060.00 5.00
DJ Capel (Nr)180113732-3745.66 0060.00 4.56
JD Carr (Mx)541310     3.44
MJ Cawdron (Gs)3604822-4824.00 0018.00 8.00
G Chapple (La)330225683-3132.00 0041.25 4.65
PD Collingwood (Dur)181116053-2832.00 0036.20 5.30
CA Connor (Ham)180017162-2228.50 0030.00 5.70
KE Cooper (Gs)222218342-4845.75 0055.50 4.94
DG Cork (Dy)198812365-4920.50 0133.00 3.72
PA Cottey (Gm)6004911-4949.00 0060.00 4.90
DM Cousins (Es)8844111-3341.00 0088.00 2.79
AP Cowan (Es)11426611-3866.00 00114.00 3.47
GR Cowdrey (Kent)480450     5.62
RDB Croft (Gm)3414239114-3021.72 1031.00 4.20
KM Curran (Nr)348426141-2065.25 0087.00 4.50
A Dale (Gm)180313075-4118.57 0125.71 4.33
JA Daley (Dur)120190     9.50
RP Davis (Gs)247119472-2627.71 0035.28 4.71
PAJ DeFreitas (Dy)180313552-2027.00 0036.00 4.50
M Dimond (Sm)180260     8.66
NG Doak (Ire)361330     5.50
MP Dowman (Nt)11618653-2117.20 0023.20 4.44
VC Drakes (Sx)210614375-1920.42 0130.00 4.08
KP Dutch (Mx)300330     6.60
RL Eagleson (Ire)95015911-51159.00 0095.00 10.04
MA Ealham (Kent)3060236104-5023.60 1030.60 4.62
SC Ecclestone (Sm)480310     3.87
SWK Ellis (Univ)5405011-5050.00 0054.00 5.55
S Elworthy (La)2824204104-1420.40 1028.20 4.34
JE Emburey (Nr)323320384-2425.37 1040.37 3.77
KP Evans (Nt)16229721-2948.50 0081.00 3.59
MR Evans (Univ)210124563-6440.83 0035.00 7.00
RA Fay (Mx)204412331-1341.00 0068.00 3.61
MA Feltham (Mx)6006311-6363.00 0060.00 6.30
MV Fleming (Kent)286323452-5346.80 0057.20 4.90
D Follett (Mx)174313321-1166.50 0087.00 4.58
MJ Foster (Dur)236118342-5245.75 0059.00 4.65
ARC Fraser (Mx)2581114942-2737.25 0064.50 3.46
JER Gallian (La)8426143-3015.25 0021.00 4.35
OD Gibson (Gm)150312611-33126.00 00150.00 5.04
ESH Giddins (Sx)178212211-42122.00 00178.00 4.11
AF Giles (Wk)114110511-49105.00 00114.00 5.52
PG Gillespie (Ire)300170     3.40
D Gough (Yor)306619052-3938.00 0061.20 3.72
S Gourlay (Sco)10427311-2173.00 00104.00 4.21
S Graham (Ire)660650     5.90
AP Grayson (Es)240415653-3031.20 0048.00 3.90
K Greenfield (Sx)480480     6.00
FA Griffith (Dy)126014443-6336.00 0031.50 6.85
THC Hancock (Gs)7815143-1312.75 0019.50 3.92
AJ Harris (Dy)4203411-3434.00 0042.00 4.85
GD Harrison (Ire)180013542-3033.75 0045.00 4.50
PJ Hartley (Yor)300720031-2766.66 00100.00 4.00
AN Hayhurst (Sm)14449653-2919.20 0028.80 4.00
D Heasley (Ire)4203211-3232.00 0042.00 4.57
GA Hick (Wo)480610     7.62
RG Hignett (MCo)4316243-2515.50 0010.75 8.65
AJ Hollioake (Sy)174216244-3440.50 1043.50 5.58
BC Hollioake (Sy)4212511-2525.00 0042.00 3.57
CL Hooper (Kent)258019732-3665.66 0086.00 4.58
RK Illingworth (Wo)234315831-1852.66 0078.00 4.05
MC Ilott (Es)276815194-1716.77 1030.66 3.28
RC Irani (Es)240315694-3017.33 1026.66 3.90
KD James (Ham)2402411-2424.00 0024.00 6.00
PW Jarvis (Sx)222215863-4826.33 0037.00 4.27
RL Johnson (Mx)162216411-66164.00 00162.00 6.07
DM Jones (Dy)120180     9.00
BP Julian (Sy)277323273-2833.14 0039.57 5.02
N Killeen (Dur)172315321-4676.50 0086.00 5.33
SR Lampitt (Wo)224114074-2920.00 1032.00 3.75
SV Laudat (MCo)132110632-4035.33 0044.00 4.81
DR Law (Sx)9607611-4476.00 0096.00 4.75
SG Law (Es)190118342-5745.75 0047.50 5.77
DA Leatherdale (Wo)300230     4.60
S Lee (Sm)242224563-6040.83 0040.33 6.07
NJ Lenham (Sx)60120     12.00
CC Lewis (Sy)282619593-2921.66 0031.33 4.14
DA Lewis (Ire)360580     9.66
J Lewis (Gs)6013133-3110.33 0020.00 3.10
JD Lewry (Sx)360220     3.66
NJ Llong (Kent)6003822-3819.00 0030.00 3.80
MJ McCague (Kent)304426742-3066.75 0076.00 5.26
P McCrum (Ire)180413422-1067.00 0090.00 4.46
A McGrath (Yor)1201022-105.00 006.00 5.00
DL Maddy (Le)7828143-3220.25 0019.50 6.23
DE Malcolm (Dy)246123353-3646.60 0049.20 5.68
NA Mallender (Nr)10216311-3063.00 00102.00 3.70
K Marc (Univ)204021442-3053.50 0051.00 6.29
PJ Martin (La)330527363-4345.50 0055.00 4.96
RSC Martin-Jenkins (Univ)166013643-4634.00 0041.50 4.91
RJ Maru (Ham)6004322-4321.50 0030.00 4.30
MJ Marvell (MCo)6605921-2129.50 0033.00 5.36
TJ Mason (Le)13809732-3532.33 0046.00 4.21
GW Mike (Nt)4833311-3333.00 0048.00 4.12
SM Milburn (Ham)8566122-730.50 0042.50 4.30
DJ Millns (Le)9827111-2671.00 0098.00 4.34
TM Moody (Wo)12669021-2245.00 0063.00 4.28
DMP Moore (Ire)120110     5.50
AC Morris (Yor)6040     4.00
AD Mullally (Le)300418662-4431.00 0050.00 3.72
TA Munton (Wk)192312532-3141.66 0064.00 3.90
SD Myles (MCo)120015232-5450.66 0040.00 7.60
K Newell (Sx)7915711-2557.00 0079.00 4.32
PJ Newport (Wo)600390     3.90
GJ Parsons (Le)276318762-3331.16 0046.00 4.06
KA Parsons (Sm)7809722-6048.50 0039.00 7.46
MM Patel (Kent)216219842-7449.50 0054.00 5.50
MW Patterson (Ire)180220852-5541.60 0036.00 6.93
RM Pearson (Sy)251123243-6058.00 0062.75 5.54
AL Penberthy (Nr)3244259103-3825.90 0032.40 4.79
DB Pennett (Nt)180117522-5787.50 0090.00 5.83
NC Phillips (Sx)300490     9.80
RA Pick (Nt)5412922-2914.50 0027.00 3.22
ARK Pierson (Le)540570     6.33
SM Pollock (Wk)38410277156-2118.46 0225.60 4.32
L Potter (MCo)153212032-7240.00 0051.00 4.70
MG Powell (MCo)810680     5.03
MR Ramprakash (Mx)9016533-3521.66 0030.00 4.33
UBA Rashid (Univ)207314632-5748.66 0069.00 4.23
DA Reeve (Wk)3837218134-2316.76 1029.46 3.41
GN Reifer (Sco)144210942-2027.25 0036.00 4.54
CC Remy (Le)180290     9.66
AC Ridley (Univ)420490     7.00
MFD Robinson (MCo)132013353-7526.60 0026.40 6.04
GD Rose (Sm)264618352-4236.60 0052.80 4.15
MJ Saggers (MCo)246224752-4949.40 0049.20 6.02
IDK Salisbury (Sx)180115252-5030.40 0036.00 5.06
MA Sharp (MCo)270617721-2688.50 00135.00 3.93
ZA Sher (MCo)2912033-206.66 009.66 4.13
A Sheriyar (Wo)151310853-4021.60 0030.20 4.29
KJ Shine (Sm)114216222-5781.00 0057.00 8.52
CEW Silverwood (Yor)2265158115-2814.36 0120.54 4.19
PV Simmons (Le)720630     5.25
GC Small (Wk)5402533-258.33 0018.00 2.77
AM Smith (Gs)283721383-2326.62 0035.37 4.51
NMK Smith (Wk)192116762-3727.83 0032.00 5.21
PA Smith (Wk)150015332-5651.00 0050.00 6.12
JN Snape (Nr)540380     4.22
IM Stanger (Sco)600960     9.60
RD Stemp (Yor)342324862-3341.33 0057.00 4.35
JP Stephenson (Ham)10327153-3314.20 0020.60 4.13
PM Such (Es)276514142-3235.25 0069.00 3.06
A Symonds (Gs)240230     5.75
JP Taylor (Nr)3846279155-4518.60 1125.60 4.35
AM Tennant (Sco)6012922-2914.50 0030.00 2.90
PA Thomas (Wo)11228511-3485.00 00112.00 4.55
SD Thomas (Gm)276124474-5134.85 1039.42 5.30
JBD Thompson (Kent)180411463-2919.00 0030.00 3.80
K Thomson (Sco)137310042-2425.00 0034.25 4.37
MJ Thursfield (Ham)168212342-3330.75 0042.00 4.39
CM Tolley (Nt)168013221-2966.00 0084.00 4.71
HRJ Trump (Sm)240119143-2847.75 0060.00 4.77
PCR Tufnell (Mx)13729042-3122.50 0034.25 3.94
SD Udal (Ham)12001010     5.05
MJ Vandrau (Dy)120111221-5356.00 0060.00 5.60
MP Vaughan (Yor)4813411-2234.00 0048.00 4.25
MA Wagh (Univ)12028021-3940.00 0060.00 4.00
CA Walsh (Gs)11227421-3337.00 0056.00 3.96
SL Watkin (Gm)34812246124-3120.50 1029.00 4.24
M Watkinson (La)4313329175-4419.35 0125.35 4.58
PN Weekes (Mx)230020552-3941.00 0046.00 5.34
G Welch (Wk)162112642-4331.50 0040.50 4.66
PE Wellings (Mx)3504511-4545.00 0035.00 7.71
CM Wells (Dy)12029364-3615.50 1020.00 4.65
VJ Wells (Le)198216832-3956.00 0066.00 5.09
AG Wharf (Yor)11408954-2917.80 1022.80 4.68
PR Whitaker (Ham)16219242-3323.00 0040.50 3.40
C White (Yor)294128472-5640.57 0042.00 5.79
AR Whittall (Univ)106111232-5237.33 0035.33 6.33
NF Williams (Es)6006722-6733.50 0030.00 6.70
D Williamson (Le)8409111-6491.00 0084.00 6.50
JG Williamson (Sco)132312122-5460.50 0066.00 5.50
TN Wren (Kent)3005311-2153.00 0030.00 10.60
G Yates (La)330422273-6531.71 0047.14 4.03



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