Fielding in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1993 (Ordered by Catches)

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P Moores (Sx)510 10
ND Burns (Sm)47310
TL Penney (Wk)45 5
KJ Piper (Wk)45 5
SJ Rhodes (Wo)35 5
NMK Smith (Wk)55 5
MV Fleming (Kent)24 4
RP Lefebvre (Gm)44 4
DP Ostler (Wk)54 4
RE East (Suff)13 3
MA Garnham (Es)2325
DA Leatherdale (Wo)33 3
MA Lynch (Sy)33 3
SA Marsh (Kent)23 3
CP Metson (Gm)4314
JFM O'Brien (Ches)13 3
DM Smith (Sx)43 3
GP Thorpe (Sy)33 3
MW Alleyne (Gs)22 2
WKM Benjamin (Le)22 2
GR Black (Buck)12 2
TJ Boon (Le)22 2
MA Butcher (Sy)12 2
PA Cottey (Gm)42 2
SC Crowley (Norf)12 2
NA Folland (Sm)42 2
KN Foyle (Wilt)12 2
BN French (Nt)22 2
RJ Harden (Sm)42 2
JD Harvey (Hert)12 2
RK Illingworth (Wo)32 2
AJ Lamb (Nr)32 2
TA Munton (Wk)42 2
Mushtaq Ahmed (Sm)42 2
PA Nixon (Le)22 2
PR Pollard (Nt)22 2
AC Puddle (Wales)12 2
MR Ramprakash (Mx)12 2
IVA Richards (Gm)42 2
D Ripley (Nr)3213
AB Russell (Sco)12 2
RC Russell (Gs)22 2
SM Shearman (Buck)12 2
AM Smith (Gs)22 2
RA Smith (Ham)22 2
TW Ward (Dev)12 2
PN Weekes (Mx)12 2
AP Wells (Sx)52 2
C White (Yor)32 2
RM Wight (Gs)22 2
RJ Bailey (Nr)31 1
KJ Barnett (Dy)21 1
SR Barwick (Gm)41 1
JD Batty (Yor)21 1
JD Bean (Ches)11 1
KCG Benjamin (Wo)21 1
JDR Benson (Le)21 1
MR Benson (Kent)21 1
DJ Bicknell (Sy)31 1
MP Bicknell (Sy)31 1
RJ Blakey (Yor)31 1
J Boiling (Sy)31 1
S Burrow (Buck)11 1
KA Butler (Suff)11 1
D Byas (Yor)21 1
AB Byram (Shrop)11 1
SM Clements (Suff)11 1
AC Cottam (Dev)11 1
RDB Croft (Gm)41 1
KM Curran (Nr)31 1
JD Curry (Ire)11 1
IJ Curtis (Ox)11 1
A Dale (Gm)41 1
SJ Dean (Staff)11 1
J Derrick (Wales)11 1
PG Duthie (Sco)11 1
WG Edwards (Wales)11 1
KP Evans (Nt)11 1
ARC Fraser (Mx)11 1
MW Gatting (Mx)11 1
SC Goldsmith (Norf)11 1
GA Gooch (Es)21 1
MR Gouldstone (Hert)11 1
DA Graveney (Dur)21 1
JD Gray (Ches)11 1
K Greenfield (Sx)41 1
AD Griffiths (Wales)11 1
NP Hackett (Staff)11 1
SJ Halliday (Suff)11 1
GM Hamilton (Sco)11 1
THC Hancock (Gs)11 1
WK Hegg (La)1112
RG Hignett (Ches)11 1
PCL Holloway (Wk)11 1
CL Hooper (Kent)21 1
N Hussain (Es)21 1
S Hutton (Dur)21 1
K Jahangir (Hert)11 1
P Johnson (Nt)21 1
AN Jones (Sx)21 1
W Larkins (Dur)21 1
MN Lathwell (Sm)41 1
SV Laudat (Ox)11 1
NJ Llong (Kent)21 1
P McCrum (Ire)11 1
MP Maynard (Gm)41 1
AA Metcalfe (Yor)21 1
OH Mortensen (Dy)21 1
MD Moxon (Yor)31 1
AN Nelson (Ire)11 1
PJ Newport (Wo)21 1
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)21 1
TJG O'Gorman (Dy)21 1
T Parton (Shrop)11 1
AL Penberthy (Nr)31 1
SM Perrin (Wilt)11 1
CS Pritchard (Dev)11 1
JD Ratcliffe (Wk)51 1
DA Reeve (Wk)51 1
CJ Rogers (Norf)11 1
GD Rose (Sm)41 1
Saleem Malik (Es)21 1
G Salmond (Sco)11 1
RR Savage (Wilt)11 1
CW Scott (Dur)21 1
K Sharp (Shrop)11 1
AC Smith (Wales)11 1
PA Smith (Wk)51 1
MP Speight (Sx)41 1
AJ Squire (Suff)11 1
TPA Standing (Ches)11 1
AJ Stewart (Sy)31 1
AC Storie (Sco)11 1
CJ Tavaré (Sm)41 1
JP Taylor (Nr)31 1
VP Terry (Ham)21 1
RG Twose (Wk)41 1
SD Udal (Ham)21 1
CA Walsh (Gs)21 1
Waqar Younis (Sy)31 1
DM Ward (Sy)31 1
AE Warner (Dy)11 1
SNV Waterton (Ox)11 1
GW White (Dev)11 1
AJ Wright (Gs)21 1
JG Wyatt (Dev)11 1
AN Aymes (Ham)2011



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